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Pot of Gold Promo


All-Star 3
You haven?t included the 30k pack worth 2k i think, right? So that?s 4k. Plus all your stamina let?s say 2.5k, so that will be additional 6.5k. You will be 10k+short so if you have enough nba cash that should handle the remaining. I am on the same boat as you and estimating that i will still be abe to complete harden with nba cash, though i know it will be very tough.
How does 2.5k stamina equal 6.5k.. U can play the 25 stamina event 100 times.. That's 4k
Anyway dont think kg is going to be worth dropping 2k cash on especially with dirk on the way and the mm promo starting so soon..
Will grind out the promo though just to c where i end up with..
Anyway on pace for dirk
Yeah, I'm giving up on KG. About to level up so all in on 3v3 now.
Yeah I learnt the hard way from the previous promos, once I get the first master, I stop especially if your f2p and move on to the next promo so you can at least get another master out of it. I always seem to get close to the second master but never get him so I might as well stop grinding as soon as I get the first master.


All-Star 1
Yeah, I'm giving up on KG. About to level up so all in on 3v3 now.
Yeah I learnt the hard way from the previous promos, once I get the first master, I stop especially if your f2p and move on to the next promo so you can at least get another master out of it. I always seem to get close to the second master but never get him so I might as well stop grinding as soon as I get the first master.
60 elite lvl tokens, 100k coins and a 95 wasn?t too bad for the extra grind. I should?ve stopped once I realized the cash requirement was going to exceed my willingness to spend. I only put about 10k extra shamrocks into it.


Rookie 1
Just managed to get him (bought the 9$ 4x value pack two times = 20k shamrocks).
Still omw to Dirk with 20k style points.

I was really lacking a good PF since I sold my Giannis and now will get 2. Probably will sell Garnet if he eventually becomes auction able without the ability, as I prefer Dirk and also have a 96 (on the way to 100) Scalabrine from SD.
Hope March Madness brings us a good Center (Davis, maybe, or Hakeem) and a good platinum SF (Pierce is good but I would prefer to have him for bench boost), but doubt it as I'm hearing Kemba or Wall should be the other master.


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All-Star 1
Where are all these Davis/ Kemba rumors coming from? I hope it's not this dude's fan art site, but I think it is:




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