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Pot of Gold Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief

Time to celebrate the Irish with us in this lucky campaign! Gather Shamrocks to earn the Boston Celtics Big 3 Masters and "Lucky Horseshoes? to upgrade them! We also have a few more surprises involving Leagues and a special hidden event each day. Read on below for the details!



Live Date: March 7, 2019
End of Campaign: March 18, 2019




Campaign Map
Play the campaign events to earn Shamrock currency. Shamrocks unlock milestones below. Milestones include earning 3 Lucky Horseshoes, +10% currency booster players, and the Masters of the campaign: Boston Celtics ?Big Three?. The Lucky Horseshoes upgrade your Masters in Sets.



A new progression event will unlock every day featuring a Lucky Shot player and their lucky...
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Rookie 3
Staff member
Looks promising, looking most forward to the new league rewards...Hopefully they give stuff worthwhile.


Rookie 1
Anyone did the math yet? For f2p, I assume you can only get Pierce, no? Hope it's possible to get Garnett with hard Grinding!


Rookie 3
If you will budget 1.25k stamina on the events per day, that is equivalent to 10k shamrocks. Plus 3.6k from first wins + 500 from bonus packs we should be able to grind 14.1k shamrocks per day or 169k in 12 days, only 3k short for garnet. If you will add the coin packs + player boosts +league wins then garnet would be posssible or even ray allen.


Rookie 1
cire2245 said:
If you will budget 1.25k stamina on the events per day, that is equivalent to 10k shamrocks. Plus 3.6k from first wins + 500 from bonus packs we should be able to grind 14.1k shamrocks per day or 169k in 12 days, only 3k short for garnet. If you will add the coin packs + player boosts +league wins then garnet would be posssible or even ray allen.

1.25k stamina will yield only 1.25k shamrocks since 75 stamina = 75 shamrocks, etc... if you win every showdown then the yield would be better. (20 stamina = 25 shamrocks)


Rookie 3
Sorry, my math is off...haha. Well, it seems that no master is grindable then? Damn, why we have to go through this calculation thing every promo... haha


Rookie 3
well that was well worth the log in this morning.. was about 2 spend 1200 nba cash and open 125 bonus packs to get clutch harden
saving stamina 2.. cheers boys!


Pro 1
Can you check your "My Team"? My game crashes whenever I try to scroll past the 2nd formation...
(Yup, I can't see my new lineup.)

EDIT: I seem to have fixed it by deleting one of my lineups. I now have 8 lineups total (3 + the 5 thematic lineups)


Rookie 3
my prelim math for this promo:
/day: 1440
from ads/events: +600
2040 stamina

cash pack: 5x500 = 2500
bonus packs: 5x100 = 500
Blitz (1st win) 4x 1350 = 5400
Remainder (approx) 20x50 = 1000

+750/day for completing all the daily "monthly master" objectives

so you should from prelim estimates amass approx 10k tokens per day... without much stress

11 days so approx 111k @ the moment without any changes (which will come)
am i right?


damn it, i read the table and its alot more complicated as the additional players will give boosts @ different levels reached....

so my prediction if you get your "base" 10k per day... then with the bonuses:

1 10000
2 11000 21000
3 12000 33000
4 12000 45000
5 13000 58000
6 13000 71000
7 13000 84000
8 14000 98000
9 14000 112000
10 14000 126000
11 15000 141000

with little stress you can get 2 140k....


All-Star 3
550 extra stamina?.. (250 from ads + 150 from ewing + 50 from daily =450 rt?)
U mean coin packs rt?
Isnt the total 9400(2500+500+5400+1000)?


Rookie 3
550 extra stamina?.. (250 from ads + 150 from ewing + 50 from daily =450 rt?)
U mean coin packs rt?
Isnt the total 9400(2500+500+5400+1000)?

250 ads
150 ewing
150 P o G
50 daily

also added the additional 750 from daily objective... sucks going from excel to typing...


Rookie 3
my prelim math for this promo:
/day: 1440
from ads/events: +600
2040 stamina

cash pack: 5x500 = 2500
bonus packs: 5x100 = 500
Blitz (1st win) 4x 1350 = 5400
Remainder (approx) 20x50 = 1000

+750/day for completing all the daily "monthly master" objectives

so you should from prelim estimates amass approx 10k tokens per day... without much stress

11 days so approx 111k @ the moment without any changes (which will come)
am i right?


Rookie 2
this promo just proves how valuable the next big PF card will be. They keep filling all the other positions. 100 Pierce is cool but if everyone has it it is kind of a wash and I'm sure some prefer Detlef or LBJ.


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