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Next room unlocks in... EVENT EXPIRES...

I have it all as one block text.

Hey, if you have a second, can you post the exact message in the green text? Looks like it says something about "time"? I just see ti-and the rest is cut off.

Anyone else having this issue?


Ok, thanks. I think I should figure out why my device is doing this.
Hey, if you have a second, can you post the exact message in the green text? Looks like it says something about "time"? I just see ti-and the rest is cut off.

In Portuguese one can read 'Her?is e Mestre do Dia das Bruxas ganham 10 GER no Dia das Bruxas por tempo limitado!'

which means

Heroes and Halloween Masters get +10 OVR in Halloween Day, for limited time

Ah. Was hoping it specified a specific time period, instead of the broad use of "limited" time.


Rookie 1
According to Brian, the +10 boost lasts until 7am (Eastern) on November 3rd.

EDIT: Apparently this is also when the promo will end.
Boosting to start on 31st maintenance-time?

That's my best guess. I'm trying to figure out exactly which cards will be getting the boost. Obviously Davis, Leonard, Sprewell and Wallace. Do the other 81-85 players get it too? (Jokic, Cousins, Hamilton, Lowry, Green, and so on) If not, which ones do?


Pro 1
That's my best guess. I'm trying to figure out exactly which cards will be getting the boost. Obviously Davis, Leonard, Sprewell and Wallace. Do the other 81-85 players get it too? (Jokic, Cousins, Hamilton, Lowry, Green, and so on) If not, which ones do?

The way I understand the boost message, it's Davis, Leonard, Sprewell, Wallace and eventually Rozier.

Green, Iguodala, Griffin are 'monsters' and they're not mentioned in the message


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
i was told there would be a Terry Rosier involved with Room 4 lol. I'll gladly take this, though, since it means only 1/3 chance at elite exchange.

Based on his description change it looked like he was supposed to be a room 4 master but either it was a mistake or they changed their mind because since the promo started he went changed 2 times new descriptions both times and anew card art on the 2nd time so he kept changing throwing us all off I was one of them that said he is "probably" a room 4 master after he got "master" put in his set description so I'm sorry but there was no guarantee from me that it would be the case lol
i was told there would be a Terry Rosier involved with Room 4 lol. I'll gladly take this, though, since it means only 1/3 chance at elite exchange.

Based on his description change it looked like he was supposed to be a room 4 master but either it was a mistake or they changed their mind because since the promo started he went changed 2 times new descriptions both times and anew card art on the 2nd time so he kept changing throwing us all off I was one of them that said he is "probably" a room 4 master after he got "master" put in his set description so I'm sorry but there was no guarantee from me that it would be the case lol

Hahaha no worries, they tricked us, gave us the rope a dope shuffle...it would have been nice to maybe build a set for him, but it's better to only have to worry about 3, which turns out to be plenty enough as it is lol. 0/2 on the exchange so far, lol. 3rd time has to be a charm, right? I know with my luck I'd be 0/4 if there was a Rosier set and I'd only be able to have a chance at AD in the AH lol


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