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Next Gen & Elevate programs


All-Star 1
I think we play with each player on the specific day but you get tokens for all 3 from the event. I got some for all of them


Rookie 1
This is a sloooow grind if ever I saw one. Nice cards but first win event every 8 hours for a second token and one token outside of that???


Rookie 2
This is a sloooow grind if ever I saw one. Nice cards but first win event every 8 hours for a second token and one token outside of that???

sloooow grind for sure!
Must say That Klay has good stats, Andre is OK, but Giannis is just bad for an 84 overall!
I am fear that by the time they will be achievable, the later two will not be that attractive...
It is similar to last season 100 overall SD masters (Hayward, Jordan, ...) who looked real good with their 100 overall when they came out, but it took weeks to get them and better overalls were released by that time.


Rookie 1
I?m not that optimistic, the cards look nice but it will take long time to complete even one set ... I?m sure at the time I can get one card, 84+ cards worth 50k , lol


All-Star 1
I've played it a bunch of times and only have 3 gold items. No sign of elites..... hopefully they aren't restricted to "first wins". So far, it looks like you can grind all day long & this will still take over a month at least. Dupes and 20 elite tokens per player are the killers. And no exchange for elite dupes once you have some of them....


Rookie 1
Yea I believe the elite tokens are only given for the first win (until the event refreshes) and then on Sundays all 3 of the players? events are available so you can also earn the elite token on the first win each time the event refreshes on Sundays as well.


Pro 1
Except it won?t take months, you can earn up to 9 elite tokens from Sundays alone and 3 on the other respective days. Yeah you will need a tad bit of luck near the end of the set but it won?t take that long


All-Star 1
Except it won?t take months, you can earn up to 9 elite tokens from Sundays alone and 3 on the other respective days. Yeah you will need a tad bit of luck near the end of the set but it won?t take that long

Have you played EA games before? Get back to me 2 months from now when you have everything but 1 missing ELITE item on all 3 players. Remember the King James event last year? I'm more than willing to bet that certain tokens are harder to pull than others. That's how they do us.


Pro 1
Except it won?t take months, you can earn up to 9 elite tokens from Sundays alone and 3 on the other respective days. Yeah you will need a tad bit of luck near the end of the set but it won?t take that long

Have you played EA games before? Get back to me 2 months from now when you have everything but 1 missing ELITE item on all 3 players. Remember the King James event last year? I'm more than willing to bet that certain tokens are harder to pull than others. That's how they do us.

I guarantee I have been playing longer than you. I?ve gotten Supremacy LeBron on 4 different accounts, Ruler KD on 2, Royalty LeBron on 3. I know about the schematic token bullshit. They gave us a grindable program, so quit complaining


Rookie 1
Except it won?t take months, you can earn up to 9 elite tokens from Sundays alone and 3 on the other respective days. Yeah you will need a tad bit of luck near the end of the set but it won?t take that long

Have you played EA games before? Get back to me 2 months from now when you have everything but 1 missing ELITE item on all 3 players. Remember the King James event last year? I'm more than willing to bet that certain tokens are harder to pull than others. That's how they do us.

I guarantee I have been playing longer than you. I?ve gotten Supremacy LeBron on 4 different accounts, Ruler KD on 2, Royalty LeBron on 3. I know about the schematic token bullshit. They gave us a grindable program, so quit complaining

Yes, it is grindable alright. You can grind but not attainable in a reasonable timely fashion before the card will be outdated and you can't even sell it then because it is unauctionable. The elite tokens are timebound just like master Embiid is time bound to get him to an 82 with 75 daily tokens needing 75 days as well as mvp Harden 83 which will continue the campaign weeks later.

Typical EA rubbish since the start of season 2.


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