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NBA Returns Promo


Pro 2
Screenshot_20200812-173759_NBA LIVE.jpg

Need help to get to 106 on west and then maybe east. These are who I have after bench
PG Caruso
PF Kurucs
C #trending ayton and howard


Pro 2
What are u aiming for.. 1 108/2 108/getting lineup to 107/larry?
What anatdoc said it depends what you want
Before relooking, just based off pure upgrade. I'll go/aim for any player that can replace my lowest players on each lineup. I would love to get larry but if hes unobtainable for me I will pass. Between the high 108s should I get a PG lebron? I'm already going for KG should I get giannas too or pass? Leonard is a SS with not a SS trait (personal opinion) so I steering away from him, even tho hes a favorite player of mine.
If I go in depth I'll need to look at each lineup and every possible player and I can narrow it down
How do you see the 105/6/7/8 players stats for this promo? Also am I tripping or are 3 pointers limited to 115 even with the +8 boosted players? smh


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Before relooking, just based off pure upgrade. I'll go/aim for any player that can replace my lowest players on each lineup. I would love to get larry but if hes unobtainable for me I will pass. Between the high 108s should I get a PG lebron? I'm already going for KG should I get giannas too or pass? Leonard is a SS with not a SS trait (personal opinion) so I steering away from him, even tho hes a favorite player of mine.
If I go in depth I'll need to look at each lineup and every possible player and I can narrow it down
LeBron should be a great card coming from someone that (stupidly) took 110 LeBron over 110 VC because I for some reason valued the extra clutch over the sprint perfection but 110 LeBron was insane either way


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