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NBA Returns Promo


Rookie 1
Why did they have to make Gasol SS? I just got Bol, I really needed him on my Street lineup. Right now I have Magic and the 108 set on my bench, I don't know what players or positions to pick.


All-Star 1
Woah my bad , the event was unlocked so I couldn't see all,
That looks great.....✌✌✌could you please tell the minimum require for 107 .
I am at 1048 rt now 105
I got to 107 with 106.2. You've got a ways to go

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
We got a problem guys, pray that the 16 energy event don't freeze to home page during game play otherwise you will be wasting stamina if it misbehave😀


Rookie 1
I was gonna snipe players then get a 108 master and sell everything but I'll just buy JR when he becomes auctionable because I love his ability but with my 100 elite trade chips saved for the next top set as well as selling the rest with my luck this year the next trade in master will be a SG

Btw thank you for your 107 post

Stewie309 Stewie309 , which player should i pick up? Adebayo or Tatum, their first stats 762 vs 760. they are both sharpshooter players
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Pro 2
12 masters for Bird... will 105 ovr masters do?
Yes. Also there is something screwy going on - I saw 4 Bird’s all listed and sold for under 1mil. Someone is hacking something but I can’t figure out the payoff.

anyone else find that the 10 player Eastern event isn’t opening even tho you have 10 eastern cards in lineup and a 106?? Broken At Deploy - this should be EA’s new corporate name. BAD for short.


Rookie 1
Yes. Also there is something screwy going on - I saw 4 Bird’s all listed and sold for under 1mil. Someone is hacking something but I can’t figure out the payoff.

anyone else find that the 10 player Eastern event isn’t opening even tho you have 10 eastern cards in lineup and a 106?? Broken At Deploy - this should be EA’s new corporate name. BAD for short.

Even I saw sold for 10 mil , while I was busy with bidding 😁😁😁
As the bidding ended I was like hs I missed that..... Zero luck fking everything is hard


Pro 2
It feels so odd focusing on LD & Street And basically ignoring SS. But I have decent lineups now at Ld & Street, each with +13 3. Sharpshooter Defense is bad for my blood pressure. lol


All-Star 3
Yes. Also there is something screwy going on - I saw 4 Bird’s all listed and sold for under 1mil. Someone is hacking something but I can’t figure out the payoff.

anyone else find that the 10 player Eastern event isn’t opening even tho you have 10 eastern cards in lineup and a 106?? Broken At Deploy - this should be EA’s new corporate name. BAD for short.
ya a guy posted a pic on twitter.. he had 60 birds


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