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NBA Returns Promo


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Nah, even with cold blooded, you're going to miss 3s.....that's how EA wants it. If I take four 2 pt shots to trigger Embiid.....I get 8 pts on 4 possessions. If I was to take 3s on those same 4 possessions I might make 3 at most. But with Embiid, I get a pretty much guaranteed 3 that I can use whenever. You just pop 3s, you get zero reward. It's all about the probability for me. And I at least have one other clutch player. So if I use this strategy with Embiid......even against tough teams or EAs nerfing, I score at least 14 pts no matter what. If I win the tip and nail a 3 to start it off, I'm even better off.
Well I get 15+ no matter what lol I just don't see the need for the ability if you hit 66% of your 3s then it evens out with 100% from 2 anyways but I do like JR's a free 2 points for every steal his x factor is probably the best one that involves a form of a classic ability I'd say the top 3 x factors are...

Cold-Blooded (Trae and Crawford)
Turn and Burn (JR)
Diesel (Shaq and Nurkic)

But I completely understand the reasoning for wanting Unicorn or Ultimate Unicorn I just don't agree with it and that's fine


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Just a question. Is it worth it to keep Bol for now to get the 108 master in 2 days then sell everything? I need the coins and keeping Bol after the 108 master opens could hurt its price in the AH. Or having 2 -108 masters the better route? I think I can get to 106 ovr easily. 107 might require more effort. Thank you
If you can still reach the required overall (whatever it may be) then keep Bol until the master comes but if you need the coins to get to that overall then sell Bol and get several 106+ players for the same price


Rookie 1
Just a question. Is it worth it to keep Bol for now to get the 108 master in 2 days then sell everything? I need the coins and keeping Bol after the 108 master opens could hurt its price in the AH. Or having 2 -108 masters the better route? I think I can get to 106 ovr easily. 107 might require more effort. Thank you
Surely wait till the 108 master is revealed.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Welp the Pelicans and Kings are out of the playoffs so that means it's down to the Grizzlies, Blazers, Spurs, and Suns


Rookie 1
I got bol. If you really need the unicorn factor. If that 3 pt is so important you should get bol. But the truth is statwise vucevic is much better. And unlike lebrons clutch the 3 won't 100% sink all the time. When you are double teamed or thoroughly contested the 3 won't go in.

Got it thanks. I just got my 106 Iguduola. I think I am good with not reaching for Bol. Too much work to get 850 tokens in two days. I just found out that these X factors players are not available in the auction house :(


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
The Magic have also locked up the East 8th seed so all that's left is the ever puzzling West 8th seed as the only one that isn't locked up
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I thought the magic already locked up the 8th seed
Wait you're correct sorry I thought they had 3 games left not 2 lol so no way for the Magic to come back from down 2.5 games in 2 games

The West will sadly have a play-in tournament and I seriously hope that EA doesn't mess with those tokens because I'm not gonna open that west pack until I have no choice


Rookie 2
More and more it looks like the Blazers in the West. Sadly I picked Memphis when the tokens came out as I ddnt know it was possible to hold choosing at a later date. Dame Looks lit right now and memphis is ravaged by injuries


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
More and more it looks like the Blazers in the West. Sadly I picked Memphis when the tokens came out as I ddnt know it was possible to hold choosing at a later date. Dame Looks lit right now and memphis is ravaged by injuries
thought we had to pick when we got it, so 🤷‍♂️
For future reference you don't have to open select packs while it doesn't allow you to hit the open later button all you have to do is close the app and it will be moved to your inventory


Pro 2
Even small loop holes not every one knows, I didnt know about the arena trick during an event awhile ago. And the stamina glitch I wasnt aware was happening to multiple people.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I always guessed they would ask for a107 lineup. Glad i grinded the 1 st promo. The player better be worth it.
Yeah I assumed it was 106 then when I noticed the timer being so far away from the start of the promo I figured it would be 107 because they would expect people to be 106 easily


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