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NBA Resolutions promo


All-Star 1
I think there's market equilibrium now on selling elites vs. golds. The most I can get for a gold is 6999 on less than 50% of my posts. That works out to 105k which is about what I can sell an elite for atm.


Rookie 2
I think there's market equilibrium now on selling elites vs. golds. The most I can get for a gold is 6999 on less than 50% of my posts. That works out to 105k which is about what I can sell an elite for atm.

yes, seems that way indeed


Rookie 1
Jason 93, Sexton 94 and Murray 95?they are in same position.
Which player should be kept, which one should be sold? any suggestion for that.


Rookie 1
Jason 93, Sexton 94 and Murray 95?they are in same position.
Which player should be kept, which one should be sold? any suggestion for that.

Sell Sexton and Murray. 96 ability cards are coming soon.You can rebuy Murray after the promo ends. Dont know what Jason you are talking about but you will only play with him for about 1~2 weeks before you rebuy Murray or build a CNY point guard.


All-Star 1
Jason 93, Sexton 94 and Murray 95?they are in same position.
Which player should be kept, which one should be sold? any suggestion for that.

Sell Sexton and Murray. 96 ability cards are coming soon.You can rebuy Murray after the promo ends. Dont know what Jason you are talking about but you will only play with him for about 1~2 weeks before you rebuy Murray or build a CNY point guard.

Anyone else think these 94 ability cards might actually increase in value once the 96/97's are released? This rationale hinges on how grindable these new cards will be as well as how much they raise the caps but theoretically these new cards could increase demand on the 94's if they price most out of the market. Of course the caps for these 94 cards will still be in place but could mean a difference of 500-750k depending on player.
Jason 93, Sexton 94 and Murray 95?they are in same position.
Which player should be kept, which one should be sold? any suggestion for that.

Sell Sexton and Murray. 96 ability cards are coming soon.You can rebuy Murray after the promo ends. Dont know what Jason you are talking about but you will only play with him for about 1~2 weeks before you rebuy Murray or build a CNY point guard.

Anyone else think these 94 ability cards might actually increase in value once the 96/97's are released? This rationale hinges on how grindable these new cards will be as well as how much they raise the caps but theoretically these new cards could increase demand on the 94's if they price most out of the market. Of course the caps for these 94 cards will still be in place but could mean a difference of 500-750k depending on player.

I doubt it. I only see them going down like every promo card we've had this season.


All-Star 1
Sell Sexton and Murray. 96 ability cards are coming soon.You can rebuy Murray after the promo ends. Dont know what Jason you are talking about but you will only play with him for about 1~2 weeks before you rebuy Murray or build a CNY point guard.

Anyone else think these 94 ability cards might actually increase in value once the 96/97's are released? This rationale hinges on how grindable these new cards will be as well as how much they raise the caps but theoretically these new cards could increase demand on the 94's if they price most out of the market. Of course the caps for these 94 cards will still be in place but could mean a difference of 500-750k depending on player.

I doubt it. I only see them going down like every promo card we've had this season.
I don't disagree but you have to admit the uncertainty on the new caps for 96/97 could have an impact since these are ability cards. Heck, the 94 ability cards have held their value much more than the 95's that "replaced" them. Of course, the grindability of these 95's doesn't help since the market is flooded with them - which is why i said the structure of the CNY promo could have an impact. Surely, not all 12 cards will be grindable even with the current ad situation?!
Anyone else think these 94 ability cards might actually increase in value once the 96/97's are released? This rationale hinges on how grindable these new cards will be as well as how much they raise the caps but theoretically these new cards could increase demand on the 94's if they price most out of the market. Of course the caps for these 94 cards will still be in place but could mean a difference of 500-750k depending on player.

I doubt it. I only see them going down like every promo card we've had this season.
I don't disagree but you have to admit the uncertainty on the new caps for 96/97 could have an impact since these are ability cards. Heck, the 94 ability cards have held their value much more than the 95's that "replaced" them. Of course, the grindability of these 95's doesn't help since the market is flooded with them - which is why i said the structure of the CNY promo could have an impact. Surely, not all 12 cards will be grindable even with the current ad situation?!
I agree there are definitely those uncertainties. CNY could be that promo that isn't grindable since we haven't had one in a while. Something tells me the ad's and recent grindable content is a test of some sort, if they see that they are loosing revenue then promos will go back to how it used to be. But if they gain revenue maybe by getting f2p players to buy packs to complete that last master then promos will remain like this.


Rookie 3
Q.. havent read it yet (sorry if its been discussed)..
when these resolution players get their boosts.. we thinking they become unauctionable?
as has been the MO for 2 seasons, i believe they will.. hope im wrong though


All-Star 3
Q.. havent read it yet (sorry if its been discussed)..
when these resolution players get their boosts.. we thinking they become unauctionable?
as has been the MO for 2 seasons, i believe they will.. hope im wrong though
I have a feeling too.. bcz when u click on the player card it shows tokens required for training.. ie. Making the cards unauctionable


Rookie 3
Q.. havent read it yet (sorry if its been discussed)..
when these resolution players get their boosts.. we thinking they become unauctionable?
as has been the MO for 2 seasons, i believe they will.. hope im wrong though
I have a feeling too.. bcz when u click on the player card it shows tokens required for training.. ie. Making the cards unauctionable

looks like 500k each will just sit on the bench for a few weeks :D
they will rise later once every1 boosts


All-Star 1
Brian said they will be non- auctionable if you train them. It's a cool idea but not even worth it unless you need OVR. I know Jokic will get boosted to 96. If all the others do, that's cool but they probably wont. But I don't think it's enough of a boost to take away auctionable status.


Rookie 3
Brian said they will be non- auctionable if you train them. It's a cool idea but not even worth it unless you need OVR. I know Jokic will get boosted to 96. If all the others do, that's cool but they probably wont. But I don't think it's enough of a boost to take away auctionable status.

My gut tells me that CNY is gonna be the break that many f2p grinders have needed after going super hard watching 100s of ads per week and grinding Harvest, NP, FW, Resolution.


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