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NBA Resolutions promo


All-Star 3
NBA LIVE Mobile?s key goal is to help you build your dream team. Therefore, our 2019 resolution is to give you a program where you can earn the highest amount of high OVR players so far. Welcome to our New Years Resolutions campaign!

Live Date: January 9, 2019 at 6:00 AM EST
End of Campaign: January 21, 2019 at 6:00 AM EST
End of Live Events to Level Up Players: January 27, 2019 at 6:00 AM EST


The campaign map is as follows:

You start out with a Master token that can be turned into a 80 OVR Master. Choose which of the 5 Masters you want to start with.
There are Live Events where you can earn 1-6 Accolade tokens each. Win these Live Events to earn Accolade tokens that can be used to upgrade your 80 OVR Master. Use 25 tokens to upgrade your 80 OVR Master to 84 OVR.
Complete more Live Events to earn Accolade tokens. Turn in 3 tokens under the Set menu for 1 gold player. Use 20 gold players to upgrade your 84 OVR Master to 89...
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Rookie 3
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

<IMG src="https://i.redd.it/rpwoniprj3921.jpg">


Rookie 3
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

<IMG src="https://i.redd.it/y5sl211tq3921.png">

<IMG src="https://i.redd.it/j2i397ryq3921.png">

<IMG src="https://i.redd.it/dcof3161r3921.png">

<IMG src="https://i.redd.it/u6f4h983r3921.png">

<IMG src="https://i.redd.it/wp2e5r45r3921.png">


All-Star 1
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

I'm just happy to see some decent stats after.the current promo....sheesh


Rookie 3
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

games from Jan 09 - 17:

Nuggets: 4 (10, 12, 13, 14) - Q - whether the 17th game would be added which would make it 5..

Kings: 3 (10, 13, 15) - Q - whether the 17th game would be added which would make it 4..

Mavs: 3 (9. 11, 13) - Q - whether the 17th game would be added which would make it 4..

Hawks: 4 (9, 11, 12, 15)

depending on whether the 17th game is added or not...

realistically.. per my fantasy knowledge.. and the 4 games, the one most likely to get max boost will be john collins..

the others are all tentative..

Luka getting 80 in 3gms is possible..

Jokic 40 assists.. cant see it.. maybe 25

Murray could get the 4 steals, but he has been cold on the steal front of late

Buddy no chance, 20-30


Rookie 3
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

im loving that it combines NBALM w/ FNBA (fantasy nba) :))


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

I updated it with all the info and moved to News thanks


Rookie 3
Staff member
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

Damn. Don't really care for any of the players.

Coin banking promo for me.
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

There is a coin/rep pack with 2 gold players + 1x-3x tokens. Also a 500 cash pack with the Master tokens, so you dont have to wait until finishing 1 95 master to start the next one.


All-Star 3
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

Elite players

83 brogdon

84 kyle Anderson

86 jaren jackson

87 sexton

87 brogdon

91 turner

Will add as the promo is released


Rookie 1
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

84 PF J. Randle def

83 PG D. Melton def

85 C J. Allen bal

83 SG M. Brogdon sht

88 PG D. Smith Jr bal

87 PG C. Sexton sht

84 SF K. Anderson bal

91 C M. Turner def

87 SG B. Ingram bal

90 PF A. Gordon bal

89 PFJ. Tatum sht

86 PF K. Knox def

85 C W. Carter Jr sht

(from watching YouTube pack openings)


Rookie 1
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

want that luka

prob hield 2nd for me since i need a better SG


Rookie 2
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

Finally something good. Kinda bored AS right now. Thanks Stewie for the post.


Rookie 1
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

This looks nice and I know they probably had to choose a young and upcoming star but it would be nice if we could get different players then the ones we had 2 weeks ago. Sig. Hield and OOP Jokic and Doncic.

edit: also it looks they decided not to carry the platinum card design from last season.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

This looks nice and I know they probably had to choose a young and upcoming star but it would be nice if we could get different players then the ones we had 2 weeks ago. Sig. Hield and OOP Jokic and Doncic.

edit: also it looks they decided not to carry the platinum card design from last season.

Platinum will be for 100+ overall cards


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

Finally something good. Kinda bored AS right now. Thanks Stewie for the post.

Well it is Anatdoc's thread I just updated it with the stuff I was gonna put in it had I made it but I was asleep when the news came out so I just moved it and added that stuff but you're welcome nonetheless


Rookie 1
These Promos Grindable? Knowing EA they have a habit of changing events midway promo, but it seems like ONE 95 card is more than doable?


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