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Lunar New Year Promo (merged)

Start Time: January 21st, 2019 6 AM EST
End Time February 8th, 2019 6 AM EST

1 big master:
97 OVR Yao Ming

3 OVR upgradeable masters (1 each week) that can have abilities added to them with ITP DeMarcus Cousins for week 1

9 96 OVR regular masters (3 each week) that can have bench boosts added to them with Damian Lillard, Chris Paul, and Tim Duncan as the week 1 masters

iLogicsHD preview:

QJB preview:

DHitman137 preview:
Re: Lunar New Year promo

The 6 masters are 96 ovr. The 7th master is 97 ovr and works like Harvest Master Duncan, you have to complete all the masters to claim him.


All-Star 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

Brain made a comment that today that made it sound like Lillard may be a Master


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

Is it wise to sell now the 94 ovr with abilities to prepare in this promo?

I have 94 Kemba and Markkanen...


All-Star 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

I ditched my Ghost Russell before prices dropped too far. I figured the Ghosts would hold their value for a while but prices on everything are tanking bc these masters are so easy to get. Saw a 94 Moses Malone for under 600k earlier. Jesus.


All-Star 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

I ditched my Ghost Russell before prices dropped too far. I figured the Ghosts would hold their value for a while but prices on everything are tanking bc these masters are so easy to get. Saw a 94 Moses Malone for under 600k earlier. Jesus.

I noticed this too but unless you're in the OVR race, I don't see how any of these 95 players is better than any of the 94 Ghosts. For that matter, I'll likely finish 5 95's and put them ON MY BENCH. Until higher OVR players with abilities are released, I think this current market just represents a great buying opportunity for those that didn't get any ghosts. And if they increase the caps on the higher OVR players that will just sweeten the pot. Dumping your ghosts now is strictly dependent on your personal coin situation. If you have less than 10M then I get it.


All-Star 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

Yeah, the coin was worth more than keeping Russell bc it allowed me to have enough to get all 5 masters, get to 95 OVR, and still have 7 mil in the bank. And I wanted Jokic for his shooting & I wasn't getting enough use out of Russell's BB anyway.


All-Star 3
Re: Lunar New Year promo

How did u guys approach getting the masters so soon?. Just sniping from the AH?.. How much did it cost per master?


All-Star 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

How did u guys approach getting the masters so soon?. Just sniping from the AH?.. How much did it cost per master?

I don't have em all yet, just Jokic. But I sniped all the 88+ elites I needed for avg of 200k each. Just grinding the rest of the golds & low elites. Should have plenty of time, snipe some more if need be. At this point only spent 2 mil. Made $ on the deal after selling Russell & Mourning


All-Star 3
Re: Lunar New Year promo

How did u guys approach getting the masters so soon?. Just sniping from the AH?.. How much did it cost per master?

I don't have em all yet, just Jokic. But I sniped all the 88+ elites I needed for avg of 200k each. Just grinding the rest of the golds & low elites. Should have plenty of time, snipe some more if need be. At this point only spent 2 mil. Made $ on the deal after selling Russell & Mourning
Ah ok. Same here, just jokic. Was wondering wat i did wrong. 200k is a nice price for the elites..


All-Star 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

How did u guys approach getting the masters so soon?. Just sniping from the AH?.. How much did it cost per master?

I don't have em all yet, just Jokic. But I sniped all the 88+ elites I needed for avg of 200k each. Just grinding the rest of the golds & low elites. Should have plenty of time, snipe some more if need be. At this point only spent 2 mil. Made $ on the deal after selling Russell & Mourning
Ah ok. Same here, just jokic. Was wondering wat i did wrong. 200k is a nice price for the elites..

Spent a lot of time getting them but only bc there weren't a lot dropping in AH1for low enough price. Seemed weird that there was lots of competition for the 83-87 but I only got beat out on one 88+ only bc I hit refresh again when it dropped. Easiest sniping I've prob ever had. Lowest one was 150k, couple at 175k. Super cheap


Rookie 3
Re: Lunar New Year promo

Do we know the format of this promo? Current promo includes ah but previous like fireworks isn't. Knowing would change how i am currently dealing with resolution. Thanks!
Re: Lunar New Year promo

Do we know the format of this promo? Current promo includes ah but previous like fireworks isn't. Knowing would change how i am currently dealing with resolution. Thanks!

We dont know nothing more, even if there will be a campaign lineup or not.

Brian said that this promo will be 4x bigger than resolutions and around 3 weeks long. Then All star promo will drop. So not much rest in the coming weeks :cool:


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

Promo sounds nice but really hoping they make it grind friendly... at least 1~2 masters. I only have 700k.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Re: Lunar New Year promo

Promo sounds nice but really hoping they make it grind friendly... at least 1~2 masters. I only have 700k.

I'm only on 380k lol.

This promo has been good, spent about $70 because I need the cards/coin and real life has gotten in the way of grinding for the last couple of promos..

Selling Hield 95 atm, almost built Murray 95 to sell and have kept Jokic 95 on my team.


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