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Pro 1
Same, I've been hunting for Jamal Murray for the last week. I've only seen him a few times but I was always too late.

I thought that people would put him for sale as people opened the SD packs, but no sights really.
I've only faced one, and saw two more in the AH, one already bought, the other I was too slow.

Regarding @asros tweets, I'd also highlight the fact that they're hiring a community manager - now that's a job I wouldn't want even if it payed well xD

regarding the current AH, it's being equally hard for mostly everyone, so I'm not too worried.


Rookie 1
Same, I've been hunting for Jamal Murray for the last week. I've only seen him a few times but I was always too late.

I thought that people would put him for sale as people opened the SD packs, but no sights really.
I've only faced one, and saw two more in the AH, one already bought, the other I was too slow.

Regarding @asros tweets, I'd also highlight the fact that they're hiring a community manager - now that's a job I wouldn't want even if it payed well xD

regarding the current AH, it's being equally hard for mostly everyone, so I'm not too worried.

I have him on my bench. He isnt a good card. His shot circle is always small making his 3pt very inconsistent. He really made me mad because I like Jamal Murray cards but this one just aint it.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'll stay by my statement that the only thing needed to fix this, is removing the minimum caps.
Agreed. We saw last season how not having a maximum cap can be abused, but I'm not understanding the logic behind minimum caps.

There were max caps last season but they weren't as tight golds in general capped out as 2 1/2 times what a 79 is capped for this season the max caps are definitely necessary but the min ones aren't
I've noticed that elites are being bid on with more regularity presumably as people reach the 200-odd k needed to bid on one. Mostly popular cards like Lillard and LeBron but people are beginning to make purchases which may encourage the bot to buy more cards.


Pro 1
Jamal Murray
I have him on my bench. He isnt a good card. His shot circle is always small making his 3pt very inconsistent. He really made me mad because I like Jamal Murray cards but this one just aint it.

Thanks for the review.

I guess the shot-circle wouldn't be very different from the Eric Gordon'17 I was using that also didn't have a great outside shooting/3, but I guess I'm moving on to elites.

Still, I'm hoping it won't take too long for them to become a little more common in the market. It looked like the rarest base gold.


Pro 1
I've noticed that elites are being bid on with more regularity presumably as people reach the 200-odd k needed to bid on one. Mostly popular cards like Lillard and LeBron but people are beginning to make purchases which may encourage the bot to buy more cards.

yeah and an even more popular card like Curry isn't even in my AH atm.


Rookie 1
On the positive side, it sounds like they will actually be making changes to improve the AH. Just the fact that we have the game designer actively engaging with players and welcoming feedback is a HUGE improvement from past seasons. I don't think that can be overstated.

That being said, it sounds like changes will be slow. I expect they will want to retain some control, as price minimums (i.e., "floors") help them sell coins, and caps help prevent coin trading/selling. I think a sustainable floor could be 30k for an 80 OVR elite, perhaps adding 12k per level (this breaks down once you get to platinums). Or perhaps you set it slightly higher now and lower it as the season progresses.
So, I was focused on building an elite from sets, but that sounds like a bad idea, right? I had about 5 75+ golds for the set but it has to be better to just sell all and buy in the AH? I figured 15 75-79 gold = about 270-300k if sold individuall and elites are going for as low as 200k.

I feel like an overlooked part is the auction fee of 10 percent, which doesn't seem like much but is the difference between 300k and 270k..

I'm sure I'm just repeating what others have had issues with but the jump from 74-75 and 79-80 is crazy!!

I've been starting to sell silver and wish I had done so sooner. 15 silver for a 70-74 gold which is worth 3-4.5k. In the AH silver is minim 300-400, so selling 15 will get you 4000 minimum, where as there's no guarantee a single gold will get that.

It's all peanuts I'm sure but food for thought. I just wish I thought about it before cramming 45 silver into the sets last night lol :p


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So, I was focused on building an elite from sets, but that sounds like a bad idea, right? I had about 5 75+ golds for the set but it has to be better to just sell all and buy in the AH? I figured 15 75-79 gold = about 270-300k if sold individuall and elites are going for as low as 200k.

I feel like an overlooked part is the auction fee of 10 percent, which doesn't seem like much but is the difference between 300k and 270k..

I'm sure I'm just repeating what others have had issues with but the jump from 74-75 and 79-80 is crazy!!

I've been starting to sell silver and wish I had done so sooner. 15 silver for a 70-74 gold which is worth 3-4.5k. In the AH silver is minim 300-400, so selling 15 will get you 4000 minimum, where as there's no guarantee a single gold will get that.

It's all peanuts I'm sure but food for thought. I just wish I thought about it before cramming 45 silver into the sets last night lol :p

15 cards you can get 20k+ a piece for after tax isn't worth trading that in for 1 200k card
You need to complete two sets a day for Daily Objectives. The bronze and silver exchanges come in handy for that objective.

I have sold every single gold I?ve listed this far. If you don?t sell it the first time just relisr it.
I'll take a stab... 125/185k

Ohhh that would be much better! Would suck for those that previously bought them for 200K plus though but I guess that's just the way it goes lol

I wonder if they will just do elites as announced, or alter the gold ranges, too. It just feels wrong for a 74 to go for 3500-5000 or so and 75's to go for up to 6 times as much. Maybe it's just me.


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