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Give Us Our Free Market Back!


Rookie 1
it's not an 'auction house' anymore
I agree, this is total BS.

BTW: Where is the fun? EA copmletely forgot people installed this game to have some fun.. sure, they want to make money, but coin packs for NBA cash or real-money packs are simply terrible. They want money from players but what they give in return is just garbage. Every season it's worse and worse, they offer you less for more money and they didn't even change a single thing in gameplay (except for player indicators)..
I agree, this is total BS.

BTW: Where is the fun? EA copmletely forgot people installed this game to have some fun.. sure, they want to make money, but coin packs for NBA cash or real-money packs are simply terrible. They want money from players but what they give in return is just garbage. Every season it's worse and worse, they offer you less for more money and they didn't even change a single thing in gameplay (except for player indicators)..

Their motto is "One step forward, two steps back". I didn't play much of season 1, but the last two months and summer courts were certainly a great experience. When season 2 came along, the advanced stats and the rebound-fix was certainly promising. The season started off great too, with 80s being easily accessible during the crossroads promo, and 87 Steph Curry/86 Simmons/85 Whiteside being easily obtainable during the Harvest promo by ftp players.

Christmas promo, New Year promo, Playoff promos, and award promos were all great (All star was underwhelming, March Madness was ptw, Easter was boring). But of course they have to take the "two steps back", releasing a terrible TOTY promo followed by a mediocre International promo, and finally a coin/money grab golden ticket players created by EA. After a terrible and boring end to the season, EA releases season 3.

I don't care if it's just the start of the season, but all I can say is, it's trash. They've really gone 2 steps back since season 1, and haven't learned anything. It's more ptw than ever now, forcing you to pay real money for "limited time offers". They give ptw players the biggest advantages as well, straightup giving them a 78 OVR All-Star lineup if they pay 4000 cash. With price caps on the AH now and impossible promos for ftp players (Rookie masters Trae and Ayton need 27 golds, essentially 324 silvers and 100k+ worth of tokens if you get no duplicates). Altogether, this season looks like trash. The archtypes don't mean a thing either. Overall extremely disappointing, it'd be so much better with season 1s promos/players and season 2s gameplay/stats.
I'd like to add a couple of extra points to this subject... in the last season everyone kicked up a stink at the ah tax being 35%.

Right now we have a situation where we can't sell our cards for as much as we're forced to buy them for in the ah. For example, you'd have to spend over 200k to buy an elite, yet we struggle to sell them for anything even close to that, plus we pay a 10% tax on top.

This is basically a stealth tax, just like inflation in the real world, what I consider a form of theft of savings. Since they now give us an option to buy coins directly with our own money, it's almost the same thing.

I hope this is just a temporary measure for the start of the season to limit people's ability to get ahead too quickly. Since they seem to focus heavily on issues in the game that affect their ability to make money rather than gameplay and user experience, I won't hold my breath.

I put forward a longer term solution last season in the nbalive.gg forum that EA should look at using cryptocurrency and blockchain technology ingame, that way they could make sure all transactions are verified from legitimate sources and it would remove the ability for people to copy coins to sell cheaply to other users (the basic problem they've been battling from day 1).

I hope the staff at EA see this and are looking into it as a possibility sometime down the track, then we could actually have the free market back again.


Pro 1
Next thing you know we?ll be switching to a basketball game with a proper AH that some orange guy puts out. And when that happens it will be fun to watch as EA freaks out about the orange guy having no class and not knowing how to behave in front of some queen or pope :lol:
I?ve sold golds. It?s 50/50 as to whether the gold you pull will be auctionable. You make more coins from turning them into a coach anyway.


Rookie 1
They'll never give us the free market back unfortunately because of the coin sellers. So screw you to the coin sellers and all the youtubers who advertise for them. They ruined the best part of the game for all the fair players.
The reason that there was no bid is that none of us ever got to see it. The bot may have bought it if the BIN price had been underthe cap limit but it's too high.


Rookie 1
That Buy Now price is too high for a not so great card.
The bid was 100 coins.

The problem is the card will not show up on the AH if it's outside of EA's price limitations. You can post that same card for 100 bid and 50k BN and I guarantee it won't sell.


Rookie 1
I personally am fine with regulating the AH.
While I snipe a lot in s1 and half of SW, I'm fine with not sniping at all and regulated prices.

What I'm annoyed at is nothing is selling. The prices are regulated. Fine. But at least make the market more fluid.
Also the price gaps are not well thought off. 5k then 20k then 200k for elites and 1.6m for 82 over.
It seems the purpose is to slow down ovr growth. But I wanted to change some players (say I would like player x instead of what I pulled) it's impossible to do so because of no liquid market and ridiculous gaps in prices.

^ This happens exactly when you got a moneygreedy dictator like EA completely controlling the market trying to force some few into spending 300 bucks wortha coins to get one 82-83 player, while 99% are suffering and being stuck not able to sell good or great pulls.


Rookie 1
You might have luck selling Giannis at 190k bid/199k BIN. That should put it in the current range for elites. The problem is even if you do get it listed, the market is flooded and there is very little demand for him at that price. You'll have to keep relisting until you get lucky.
They'll never give us the free market back unfortunately because of the coin sellers. So screw you to the coin sellers and all the youtubers who advertise for them. They ruined the best part of the game for all the fair players.
Even when they remove coin sellers back in season 2, ea screw also people who snipe, but in that moment the bots wasn't that restricted in terms of price, now you can't even make coins, you're luck if u sell a elite, and they remove coins pack tho, is coins sellers fault? Maybe yes, Is ea way more strict even without coin sellers and ruin the fun for most of the players who like the AH? Totally yes
You still can make coins in the AH. Just a lot less than previously.

This AH is not for lazy people. You need HOURS to make some coins.


Pro 1
You still can make coins in the AH. Just a lot less than previously.

This AH is not for lazy people. You need HOURS to make some coins.

Too less coins.

I didn't expect to make tens of millions in a single day like i manged to do at times last season. But this is too little for me to go buying and selling in the AH.
People who grinded the AH had an important function of naturally regulating prices (buying when low and selling when high). EA should use this and tweak the bot to learn and adjust to that intervention from players. But maybe that's what they're aiming and are just not there yet, so they went for the easier next best thing: tighter caps.
The problem is that the caps are just too tight. So tight that you have very rigid and artificial prices, and I stopped buying and selling. I just sell the golds I get and only buy when needing to complete some set (which is rarer now).

It's not a market anymore. It's just a showcase of cards at prices EA thinks they should have.


Rookie 2
Agree that EA should return the free market.
Very hard indeed to sell players, but if you'll post your players within range they will sell eventually after a few cycles.

Still the thing I really don't get is the 82 & 83 players for over 1.5M coins.
What do EA expect? who will buy those?


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