I agree, this is total BS.it's not an 'auction house' anymore
I agree, this is total BS.
BTW: Where is the fun? EA copmletely forgot people installed this game to have some fun.. sure, they want to make money, but coin packs for NBA cash or real-money packs are simply terrible. They want money from players but what they give in return is just garbage. Every season it's worse and worse, they offer you less for more money and they didn't even change a single thing in gameplay (except for player indicators)..
Bruh! Like WTF! EA really doesn't want us making any coins....not even a bid at 100coins!
The bid was 100 coins.That Buy Now price is too high for a not so great card.
I personally am fine with regulating the AH.
While I snipe a lot in s1 and half of SW, I'm fine with not sniping at all and regulated prices.
What I'm annoyed at is nothing is selling. The prices are regulated. Fine. But at least make the market more fluid.
Also the price gaps are not well thought off. 5k then 20k then 200k for elites and 1.6m for 82 over.
It seems the purpose is to slow down ovr growth. But I wanted to change some players (say I would like player x instead of what I pulled) it's impossible to do so because of no liquid market and ridiculous gaps in prices.
Even when they remove coin sellers back in season 2, ea screw also people who snipe, but in that moment the bots wasn't that restricted in terms of price, now you can't even make coins, you're luck if u sell a elite, and they remove coins pack tho, is coins sellers fault? Maybe yes, Is ea way more strict even without coin sellers and ruin the fun for most of the players who like the AH? Totally yesThey'll never give us the free market back unfortunately because of the coin sellers. So screw you to the coin sellers and all the youtubers who advertise for them. They ruined the best part of the game for all the fair players.
You still can make coins in the AH. Just a lot less than previously.
This AH is not for lazy people. You need HOURS to make some coins.