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Give Us Our Free Market Back!

Agreed. I've been very disappointed in the auction house, more precisely - price caps. You've got like a 1k range to price gold cards. If it's any higher or lower than the cap (which you have to find what it is yourself) it won't sell.
Plus the jumps in price are ridiculous. 30k for a 79 OVR, 200k for an 80 OVR, 1.6 mil for 82!? No one has that kind of money, so all the elites are just floating around the auction house without ever dropping in price or anyone buying them.

Minimum caps need to be gotten rid of entirely.

I agree, these prices are unsustainable. At this rate we'll be looking at an 85 costing 5m+, let alone when we get 90+ ovr players.

It has to change or this season will die a quick death.


Rookie 1
Obviously it'd be nice to go back to the free market of S1, but you can't expect EA to just let coin selling happen. I don't blame them one bit for the bot-controlled AH, and frankly, eliminating coin selling benefits us F2P players too. It clearly needs to be tweaked because the price caps are way off right now, but I was generally fine with the AH setup for the second half of S2. For the most part, I felt like my cards sold when priced reasonably and I was usually able to snipe when I wanted to.


Rookie 1
I gotta think EA didn't put much thought into how this will all play out....everything seems shortsighted, rushed, and without an eye on long-term viability.

Even now, with an 82ovr costing minimum 1.6mil coins (according to previous info).....if you were to purchase the coins to buy that 82ovr then it would run you about $175. That's simply unreasonable.

And let's say the 85ovr cards will be set at a minimum of 5mil coins....just for the sake of the "bigger picture" here. Using store prices of coins, you would need somewhere in the vicinity of 65,000 in NBA cash. At $100 per 12k of NBA cash, you would need to spend $550 in real money for an 85ovr from the AH!

It's unconscionable. It's unreasonable. It's downright ******* evil. And remember here, THEY set the market. THEY set minimums. THEY priced out what 750k of coins is "worth" in real money. Thus, we can pretty much work out what the future is gonna look like.....and it ain't pretty. And I don't see a future where I'm playing this garbage "game". They want $550 for something that gets deleted in 9 months?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Obviously it'd be nice to go back to the free market of S1, but you can't expect EA to just let coin selling happen. I don't blame them one bit for the bot-controlled AH, and frankly, eliminating coin selling benefits us F2P players too. It clearly needs to be tweaked because the price caps are way off right now, but I was generally fine with the AH setup for the second half of S2. For the most part, I felt like my cards sold when priced reasonably and I was usually able to snipe when I wanted to.

Well the difference is the bot in S2 didn't have a minimum you could sell cards for 101 if you wanted to but ever since they announced the season score the bot in S2 was messed up and it was foreshadowing an even worse bot in s3 it would be so much better without minimum prices because that is like a house arrest market while now we are in a prison market to make light of the issue


Rookie 2
I personally am fine with regulating the AH.
While I snipe a lot in s1 and half of SW, I'm fine with not sniping at all and regulated prices.

What I'm annoyed at is nothing is selling. The prices are regulated. Fine. But at least make the market more fluid.
Also the price gaps are not well thought off. 5k then 20k then 200k for elites and 1.6m for 82 over.
It seems the purpose is to slow down ovr growth. But I wanted to change some players (say I would like player x instead of what I pulled) it's impossible to do so because of no liquid market and ridiculous gaps in prices.


Rookie 1
Being handcuffed to what you pull is wrong. It's just wrong. As the OP clearly stated, we need the free market back. This bot has broken the progression and even stifled trying to get the players you want on your team. Not everyone is a Harden fan, or a LeBron fan....and maybe they want to swap to Porz or Markkanen. Oh wait, you can't. The prices are tuned to force you to buy coins....

The whole game is now focused on buying coins. I knew it spelled trouble when the previews showed a coin market tab, but even the events/campaigns force it down your throat. There was even propaganda pushed by GC's that EA was doing us a huge favor by bringing back coin packs.....pffft....riiiiiiight.

I'm a negative Nancy, I know. But it's all rotten to the core. The whole game. Wait til they bring in a second lineup and all the rot metastasizes. Think the AH is bad now? It's only gonna get worse. Even a market flood of cards won't have a single effect on prices because of this minimum bullshit.
Is the price cap going to shrink as the OVR increases? Surely, 80 elites won?t stay at 200k all season.
It has to. No way it will stay like this so be prepared for many more rounds of guessing what the new caps will be as ovr increases and caps change. If it stays the same I'd be really surprised.


All-Star 1
@Juke: I think the min bid applies only to the bot listing. Because that card is listed in the range of a 70 OVR gold, it has a chance to sell. Just like the elite next to it. No elite card in AH1 has a bid price even close to 140k. At the moment, the lowest bid for an elite is 201k.
@Juke: I think the min bid applies only to the bot listing. Because that card is listed in the range of a 70 OVR gold, it has a chance to sell. Just like the elite next to it. No elite card in AH1 has a bid price even close to 140k. At the moment, the lowest bid for an elite is 201k.
So the bot can buy cards for less than the minimum if someone posts one and proceed to relist it at the minimum. Man that's messed up. That elite hasn't sold for 2-3days now with a bid of 140k. Looks like the only thing making a profit is the bot lol


All-Star 1
@Juke: I think the min bid applies only to the bot listing. Because that card is listed in the range of a 70 OVR gold, it has a chance to sell. Just like the elite next to it. No elite card in AH1 has a bid price even close to 140k. At the moment, the lowest bid for an elite is 201k.
So the bot can buy cards for less than the minimum if someone posts one and proceed to relist it at the minimum. Man that's messed up. That elite hasn't sold for 2-3days now with a bid of 140k. Looks like the only thing making a profit is the bot lol

Elites aren?t selling because not enough players can afford to drop that much coin on one card at this point in the game.


Rookie 1
It?s really stupid system, I got two Elite PGs in the first day, it?s one week now and for whatever price I post them on AH they don?t sellout. As long as I can?t sell one, how can I buy another elite?! I?m sure this is happening to many players... it sucks ...
New season and again frustrations ...


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