Rookie 1
Agreed. I've been very disappointed in the auction house, more precisely - price caps. You've got like a 1k range to price gold cards. If it's any higher or lower than the cap (which you have to find what it is yourself) it won't sell.
Plus the jumps in price are ridiculous. 30k for a 79 OVR, 200k for an 80 OVR, 1.6 mil for 82!? No one has that kind of money, so all the elites are just floating around the auction house without ever dropping in price or anyone buying them.
Minimum caps need to be gotten rid of entirely.
I agree, these prices are unsustainable. At this rate we'll be looking at an 85 costing 5m+, let alone when we get 90+ ovr players.
It has to change or this season will die a quick death.