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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The maintenance just now was to adjust the caps for 75-79 gold cards as well as stamina requirements for the LeBron events (from 30 and 30 to 20 and 40) and to stop giving Shaq stuff for LeBron events and vice versa

Oh also "incorrect set values" but I'm not noticing a change there

Nevermind it was the elite set that was fixed
The maintenance just now was to adjust the caps for 75-79 gold cards as well as stamina requirements for the LeBron events (from 30 and 30 to 20 and 40) and to stop giving Shaq stuff for LeBron events and vice versa

They also fixed the elite exchange set, which was asking for 12 elites and no boxes lol...that was the platinum template I think. I'm not sure I understand that set. An elite plus 20 boxes in exchange for 10 gold 75 movers? It cost 25 of the same movers plus the 15 boxes for an elite. I guess it makes sense if you want to burn an elite into 15 gold to maybe build a different set.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The maintenance just now was to adjust the caps for 75-79 gold cards as well as stamina requirements for the LeBron events (from 30 and 30 to 20 and 40) and to stop giving Shaq stuff for LeBron events and vice versa

They also fixed the elite exchange set, which was asking for 12 elites and no boxes lol...that was the platinum template I think. I'm not sure I understand that set. An elite plus 20 boxes in exchange for 10 gold 75 movers? It cost 25 of the same movers plus the 15 boxes for an elite. I guess it makes sense if you want to burn an elite into 15 gold to maybe build a different set.

Yeah I saw that on the tweet and forgot to add that but when I did I guess you already qouted I didn't pay attention to the elite exchange before the maintenance so I didn't notice anything when it was done
The maintenance just now was to adjust the caps for 75-79 gold cards as well as stamina requirements for the LeBron events (from 30 and 30 to 20 and 40) and to stop giving Shaq stuff for LeBron events and vice versa

They also fixed the elite exchange set, which was asking for 12 elites and no boxes lol...that was the platinum template I think. I'm not sure I understand that set. An elite plus 20 boxes in exchange for 10 gold 75 movers? It cost 25 of the same movers plus the 15 boxes for an elite. I guess it makes sense if you want to burn an elite into 15 gold to maybe build a different set.

Yeah I saw that on the tweet and forgot to add that but when I did I guess you already qouted I didn't pay attention to the elite exchange before the maintenance so I didn't notice anything when it was done

I spend too much time on this app lol...was a nice time killer while on vacation. I could point out a hundred things I dislike about it but I can't stay away from it lol. New set of objectives rolls around this morning, and I'd been holding off claiming the free pack from the store so it would count as an objective sooner. Well, sure enough 6am rolls around, new objectives appear and I immediately claim it not thinking to maybe wait if it changes due to campaign. Maintenance hadn't occurred yet. I claimed it and got a bunch more lottery balls and rookie tokens :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I just noticed that my accounts are on different AH servers this year after two years of sharing the same server. Anyone else experience the same thing?


Rookie 1
Right now 5 of my 80 overall elite cards won?t even sell for 105k buy now price or less, even tried to put up bradley beal for 80k starting bid and 95k buy now price and it wont even sell. This is bot thing is just dumb, the only elite that I?ve sold is the 81 dwight from the offseason movers promo for 250k yesterday but other than that, I haven?t sold any 80 overall elite so far.


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