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Pro 1
Still the thing I really don't get is the 82 & 83 players for over 1.5M coins.
What do EA expect? who will buy those?

EA wants people to use the cash-to-coins option they introduced this season. and if you check the top of the showdown leaderboard, there is already more than a dozen of 81 franchises and at least a 82, so it seems there's a market of people with deep pockets and willing to spend.


All-Star 3
Still the thing I really don't get is the 82 & 83 players for over 1.5M coins.
What do EA expect? who will buy those?

EA wants people to use the cash-to-coins option they introduced this season. and if you check the top of the showdown leaderboard, there is already more than a dozen of 81 franchises and at least a 82, so it seems there's a market of people with deep pockets and willing to spend.
I could be wrong (and I really hope so I am) but this may be how the AH functions moving forward.. EA wants us to buy coin from them hence the pricing of the 80s and the non selling of of the ones we post.. I guess the prices will drop as higher cards come out but I dont know by how much.. dont see the model sustaining hence I figure theyll have to tweak it
Though people are happy with the harden event (both p2p and f2p), I compare it to swag harden last season.. ie it's a one off promo and not a sign of change in the format of future promos.. I expect them to follow the format of the rookies promo.. (again hope I'm wrong)


All-Star 1
Still the thing I really don't get is the 82 & 83 players for over 1.5M coins.
What do EA expect? who will buy those?

EA wants people to use the cash-to-coins option they introduced this season. and if you check the top of the showdown leaderboard, there is already more than a dozen of 81 franchises and at least a 82, so it seems there's a market of people with deep pockets and willing to spend.
I could be wrong (and I really hope so I am) but this may be how the AH functions moving forward.. EA wants us to buy coin from them hence the pricing of the 80s and the non selling of of the ones we post.. I guess the prices will drop as higher cards come out but I dont know by how much.. dont see the model sustaining hence I figure theyll have to tweak it
Though people are happy with the harden event (both p2p and f2p), I compare it to swag harden last season.. ie it's a one off promo and not a sign of change in the format of future promos.. I expect them to follow the format of the rookies promo.. (again hope I'm wrong)

They'll have to adjust the caps at some point bc if they don't, 90 OVR players will wind up being sold for 20mil minimum and there's no way ppl can even buy that many coins from the store. Nobody in their right mind is gonna spend thousands of $ per player.....


Rookie 3
Anyone here has been successful selling at least one of their 80 elites? I have oladipo that i have been posting for days for different prices within what ah is selling them but no success. In case there is at least one, will not lose hope and will continue to post it. Thanks!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Anyone here has been successful selling at least one of their 80 elites? I have oladipo that i have been posting for days for different prices within what ah is selling them but no success. In case there is at least one, will not lose hope and will continue to post it. Thanks!

A couple days ago I sold an 80 Markkanen I pulled on my alt like a week ago but I'm still trying to sell 80 Cousins that I got from season score


Rookie 1
Maybe this new system gives p2w players a bigger advantage hence getting them to spend more? Maybe it makes more this way. They have elimated the for the f2p players to have an elitist team. Maybe it?s one aspect. Maybe not. I think a lot of f2p people are coming out of their pocket but idk.


Rookie 3
Yeah, maybe. Since it will be difficult to build a better team without ah properly working. I have 2 80s in my sg position with one 78 that i could use as bench and want to sell one of them so i could get an 80 pg which will improve my lineup.


Rookie 2
Anyone here has been successful selling at least one of their 80 elites? I have oladipo that i have been posting for days for different prices within what ah is selling them but no success. In case there is at least one, will not lose hope and will continue to post it. Thanks!
I've managed to sell 80 overall Harden for 230K after 7 rounds of posting


Rookie 2
One more thing that I simply don't get: how come there are no 77-79 gold players in the AH?
It just makes no sense...
The are like forcing us to buy the 200K elites?
Why? I simply don't get it...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
One more thing that I simply don't get: how come there are no 77-79 gold players in the AH?
It just makes no sense...
The are like forcing us to buy the 200K elites?
Why? I simply don't get it...

There are many posted but they sell fast my teams are full of them you just have to buy them quickly


Rookie 2
One more thing that I simply don't get: how come there are no 77-79 gold players in the AH?
It just makes no sense...
The are like forcing us to buy the 200K elites?
Why? I simply don't get it...

There are many posted but they sell fast my teams are full of them you just have to buy them quickly

Sorry but it does not make sense...
In any case I simply don?t have time to sit on the AH and refresh all the time?

I am under the impression that EA are funneling them on purpose.
It does not make sense that there are so many centers & none of the other positions. It has to be some kind control mechanism, where the why part is eluding me.


All-Star 1
It makes perfect sense that there are tons of centers bc everyone got Master Embiid. There are 77+ Golds posted all day. Like Stewie said, gotta be quick & snipe em. I've pretty much got my lineup stocked but been trying for several days now to get a 78 SF & PF. Finally snagged Porzingis today. It's been tough. On top of that Porzi is altogether worse statwise than my Serge Ibaka, lol.

The reason there are no 77+ just sitting there waiting to get sold is that literally EVERYONE needs 77+ cards to get to 78 OVR and to compete with the players who have several elites on their team. Most of us can't afford to buy elites so our only option is high Golds. Idk why it doesn't make sense. It's simple supply & demand. Many more low Gold's out there than 77+ and theres less demand for everything below 77


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It makes perfect sense that there are tons of centers bc everyone got Master Embiid. There are 77+ Golds posted all day. Like Stewie said, gotta be quick & snipe em. I've pretty much got my lineup stocked but been trying for several days now to get a 78 SF & PF. Finally snagged Porzingis today. It's been tough. On top of that Porzi is altogether worse statwise than my Serge Ibaka, lol.

The reason there are no 77+ just sitting there waiting to get sold is that literally EVERYONE needs 77+ cards to get to 78 OVR and to compete with the players who have several elites on their team. Most of us can't afford to buy elites so our only option is high Golds. Idk why it doesn't make sense. It's simple supply & demand. Many more low Gold's out there than 77+ and theres less demand for everything below 77

Exactly the high demand makes most of them instantly sell if it isn't a C with way worse stats then a free Embiid then it doesn't last long


Rookie 2
Not saying you're wrong guys, but I am still sceptic.
How come there are no high golds SG now SG now that 80 Harden is free?


Rookie 2
And whee are all the 80 overall coming from?
Don't tell me people are selling all of them...

Assuming you are right and this is an issue of a lack of supply, then EA prefer we would starve in a controlled market than spend allot of coins in the free market.
How is this making any sense for either of the parties?


Pro 1
Not saying you're wrong guys, but I am still sceptic.
How come there are no high golds SG now SG now that 80 Harden is free?

When I have time I've been watching 79 drops (I'm still trying to pick a 79 Jamal Murray) and the amount of Dion Waiters, Gary Harris and Eric Gordon in the AH is clearly higher since Harden's release. Not that many, but way higher as I looked for Harris for a while.

Embiid was quickly accessible to every single player making <77 centers with poor stats a common card there in the market,

For Harden you gotta spend money for quick access or have 250k rep+playing an event that requires 100 collectibles,
Most players aren't that dedicated and didn't get there yet.

Meanwhile, regarding Elites, mostly everyone with tickets picked one elite. Many people want to sell them. Still not enough people thinking it's a good idea to spend their coins in elites and look to 75-79 cards instead.

Despite everyone wanting 75-79 Nobody is gonna use the set for a 75-79 card because it seems a bad financial option for a card you likely don't need.

So it's all about people pulling 75-79 cards in packs and in these first two weeks, I've pulled as much 75-79 base cards as elites - two.

Still skeptical? ;)


Rookie 2
Not saying you're wrong guys, but I am still sceptic.
How come there are no high golds SG now SG now that 80 Harden is free?

When I have time I've been watching 79 drops (I'm still trying to pick a 79 Jamal Murray) and the amount of Dion Waiters, Gary Harris and Eric Gordon in the AH is clearly higher since Harden's release. Not that many, but way higher as I looked for Harris for a while.

Embiid was quickly accessible to every single player making <77 centers with poor stats a common card there in the market,

For Harden you gotta spend money for quick access or have 250k rep+playing an event that requires 100 collectibles,
Most players aren't that dedicated and didn't get there yet.

Meanwhile, regarding Elites, mostly everyone with tickets picked one elite. Many people want to sell them. Still not enough people thinking it's a good idea to spend their coins in elites and look to 75-79 cards instead.

Despite everyone wanting 75-79 Nobody is gonna use the set for a 75-79 card because it seems a bad financial option for a card you likely don't need.

So it's all about people pulling 75-79 cards in packs and in these first two weeks, I've pulled as much 75-79 base cards as elites - two.

Still skeptical? ;)


But thanks man!


Rookie 1
When I have time I've been watching 79 drops (I'm still trying to pick a 79 Jamal Murray) and the amount of Dion Waiters, Gary Harris and Eric Gordon in the AH is clearly higher since Harden's release. Not that many, but way higher as I looked for Harris for a while.

Same, I've been hunting for Jamal Murray for the last week. I've only seen him a few times but I was always too late.

Also FYI -- some news from our friend Brian:




Rookie 2
I'll stay by my statement that the only thing needed to fix this is removing the minimum caps.


Rookie 1
I'll stay by my statement that the only thing needed to fix this, is removing the minimum caps.
Agreed. We saw last season how not having a maximum cap can be abused, but I'm not understanding the logic behind minimum caps.


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