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Battle of LA Promo


Rookie 2
What’s the best what to get LA tokens efficiently without using tons of stamina bottles? Cause I’m having trouble getting enough stamina to play the blitzes even with the stamina ads.


Rookie 1
What’s the best what to get LA tokens efficiently without using tons of stamina bottles? Cause I’m having trouble getting enough stamina to play the blitzes even with the stamina ads.
Go to the shop and watch the Battle for LA ads, they will give you a total of 25 per day. You can also buy 25 tokens per day, for 75k gold. And every 5 hours or so, you get 2 free tokens from the shop


Rookie 2
I have no idea how I got 180 tokens yesterday but I barely got 90 today
Like, I’m watching all the ads. It might be that I’m running out of stamina and I don’t wanna use up all my stamina bottles. Or I just don’t have many coins


Rookie 2
Like, I’m watching all the ads. It might be that I’m running out of stamina and I don’t wanna use up all my stamina bottles. Or I just don’t have many coins
Any ways to get stamina without spending coins or stamina bottles and ads?


Rookie 1
Any ways to get stamina without spending coins or stamina bottles and ads?
For some reason it's the same with me too. I got the 100 overall yesterday but idk if i can get the same amount today.
Pro packs will help, also the chance your ads are working.


Rookie 2
For some reason it's the same with me too. I got the 100 overall yesterday but idk if i can get the same amount today.
Pro packs will help, also the chance your ads are working.
Maybe it’s because I leveled up yesterday which gave me extra stamina


Rookie 2
Do you guys know if the bonus tier select pack when you get all the Lakers or clippers players is worth it?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Definitely not. I’ve had 20 or so in my inventory for months hoping the pack would get better....silly me. 🙄
They won't sadly they are obsolete and have been since they reintroduced them after the option to spend S4 mystery tokens on them to start S4


All-Star 1
They won't sadly they are obsolete and have been since they reintroduced them after the option to spend S4 mystery tokens on them to start S4
I will say that they are worth it for the boost items. They add up if you're getting bonus packs often. The bonus packs are the only reason I was able to build a Super Boost item & make 21 mil off of it


Pro 2
I grabbed the 3pt boost, Blaze. SS is 3pt, LD is speed, and Street is SWC. But it wasn't very useful for my ultimate so I ditched it. I built it knowing that I could make coin from the 3pt boost, not the others
They actually give more boost then it shows on the ultimate lineup. matching 0-5= +3, 6-7 = +5, 8 Or more = full boost of +7. This applies to all lineup style super boost items.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I will say that they are worth it for the boost items. They add up if you're getting bonus packs often. The bonus packs are the only reason I was able to build a Super Boost item & make 21 mil off of it
Why not sell the royal items before the last promo the jerseys were selling still so 4 jerseys alone could yield that much assuming this happened before the crash to the min of near 5 mil for the royal jerseys not to mention the coaches don't have a minimum at least anywhere close to the jerseys and courts


All-Star 1
Why not sell the royal items before the last promo the jerseys were selling still so 4 jerseys alone could yield that much assuming this happened before the crash to the min of near 5 mil for the royal jerseys not to mention the coaches don't have a minimum at least anywhere close to the jerseys and courts
I just did it like 5 days ago. No royals were selling anymore and I was bored so I grabbed a bunch of courts as cheap as I could find and pulled the trigger. And your idea assumes that I had a bunch of jerseys that could be sold easily but I had 2 courts and a coach that weren't going to net me much.

I did it for the boost in the first place. But I couldn't seem to get past +3 boost pts and I figured it was still valuable so I got rid of it. It's getting towards the end of season and they'll start finally giving us good boosts from promos so I'm not worried about it


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