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Around the World Promo


Rookie 1

At 25 K now with 20% gears boost (try to complete 12 balloons as soon as possible to get 10% gears boost coach so can hunting with 30% boost ).
hope can reach simmons if it possible or at least 2 boarding tickets so can go with 108 gasol and tatum with boost.
So suck, the country representative platinum player don't have gears boost, hoping they at least have 2% gears boost.


All-Star 3

At 25 K now with 20% gears boost (try to complete 12 balloons as soon as possible to get 10% gears boost coach so can hunting with 30% boost ).
hope can reach simmons if it possible or at least 2 boarding tickets so can go with 108 gasol and tatum with boost.
So suck, the country representative platinum player don't have gears boost, hoping they at least have 2% gears boost.
How did u complete 12 balloons so fast

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
well, that 75 jabari parker is terrible. any event involves shooting with this card is a huge risk of stamina loss.
anyone found the objective that gets a better SF card?
Get 3 dunks,3layups and 5 steal in any game mode and you wil get 94 giannis brother(hard to write correctly their names 😄)


All-Star 3
Actually is around 21k ptsto get gasol card without getting second ability token...but as i havent got stamina ads for more than 12h even after reseting stamina ads on google i think getting one master is enough
Even 21k is a lot .. impossible without a booster.
Lol not yet, I mean will try to complete 12 balloons as soon as possible.
Then what did u mean by I have 20% boost?.. u got vucevic?
Which 10% coach..? The 12 balloons unlocks the top hat which gives only 5%


Rookie 1
Even 21k is a lot .. impossible without a booster.

Then what did u mean by I have 20% boost?.. u got vucevic?
Which 10% coach..? The 12 balloons unlocks the top hat which gives only 5%

Yeah 20% from 103 vucevic.
Really ? Just 5% ? Then it so suck.


All-Star 3
Yeah 20% from 103 vucevic.
Really ? Just 5% ? Then it so suck.
Ok thanks
It's the toughest promo this year by the looks of it. Tatum is barely grindable without coin packs
Ability Tatum is impossible without coin packs


Rookie 1
Ok thanks
It's the toughest promo this year by the looks of it. Tatum is barely grindable without coin packs
Ability Tatum is impossible without coin packs

Yeah that's why it's so suck, will spend almost 1 millions for all 13 days coins pack since perday limit is 5 and one cost 15k.
Really wanted to reach simmons but with all this suck maybe must say good bye for him, need Giannis with 50% boost for got him maybe.
Actually is around 21k ptsto get gasol card without getting second ability token...but as i havent got stamina ads for more than 12h even after reseting stamina ads on google i think getting one master is enough
Yeah I meant with boost. I just took 400k and divided it by 12 days and it was something like 33,333 which is what I'm aiming for.


Rookie 2
Got 90 overall Danillo Gallinary.
(not sure from what balloon as I had a few together).
Hope it will get better now


Rookie 1
Yeah that's why it's so suck, will spend almost 1 millions for all 13 days coins pack since perday limit is 5 and one cost 15k.
Really wanted to reach simmons but with all this suck maybe must say good bye for him, need Giannis with 50% boost for got him maybe.
You could actually end up losing coins if you get Tatum only bc everyone will get him and his price will be under 1M. You use 900k of coin packs on him and he would only sell for 750k at most since he cannot be used in the Kawhi set


All-Star 1
Yeah I meant with boost. I just took 400k and divided it by 12 days and it was something like 33,333 which is what I'm aiming for.
Use your boost token on Gasol and pickup Tatum in AH. It will be flooded for sure.

A Anatdoc I did 9 balloons and have 23.5k for first day...didn’t do anything special except buy the packs. No boost but was there a first day boost of some sorts?


All-Star 3
Use your boost token on Gasol and pickup Tatum in AH. It will be flooded for sure.

A Anatdoc I did 9 balloons and have 23.5k for first day...didn’t do anything special except buy the packs. No boost but was there a first day boost of some sorts?
I had minimal stamina to start yday.. so ended with 19.5k with using 150 warmup.
26k now. But still only 7 balloons. Post ur team so I can figure out which player I havent achieved..
Btw were there 5 rounds of blitzes yday or only 4.. ?


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