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Around the World Promo

Pvp Beta will be here til end of season.

Fifa pvp had a rocky start after like 18 months of internal testing. The more real players test it the better.
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All-Star 1
They added the set for souvenir token, which i think not useful for most since we can only get at most 2 from the campaign f2p and the set requires 10.
Right so they “rushed” out an update for store pack purchases seemingly hurt by this missing set.


All-Star 1
Well, if theyy trying to make it more stable......it ain't working. Last several days my tablet has been randomly force closing and on my Pixel 2 it's been straight up freezing. I'm sure it'll be another debacle from EA since nothing is ever ready to go when they release it. When half your league goes MIA, don't boot em, lol. It's just EAs fault
This deploy is all fucked up. I’ve completed more than 2 flash sets, exactly 2 daily sets, have more than 20 flash or daily event completions and still no third red balloon for Rubio.

And who knows wtf these souvenir tokens are for since they still haven’t added the frigging sets.

What a cluster ......

Well, they did warn us about another adventure,
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Well, if theyy trying to make it more stable......it ain't working. Last several days my tablet has been randomly force closing and on my Pixel 2 it's been straight up freezing. I'm sure it'll be another debacle from EA since nothing is ever ready to go when they release it. When half your league goes MIA, don't boot em, lol. It's just EAs fault
I thought it was just me and my WiFi. I've been getting lots of loading circles followed by a crash. Its been so annoying!


Rookie 1
Satoransky missed 3 midrange jumper when he has a 97 midrange shot rating..all while doing a 75 stamina blitz...i saw someone posted about this and i thougjt he was just having a bad day....well as they say "to see is to believe"..


All-Star 3
Satoransky missed 3 midrange jumper when he has a 97 midrange shot rating..all while doing a 75 stamina blitz...i saw someone posted about this and i thougjt he was just having a bad day....well as they say "to see is to believe"..
Yup same boat..
Just play the 25 one now after I finish the first wins. Much less wasted stamina


All-Star 1
The events have added difficulty if you're not using a 95+ player. I've noticed that no matter which promo event loads up, there's usually one shooting spot where you'll miss several times and for me it's usually at the bottom of the screen for some reason. For the most part it's totally doable once you have elite players. But royal pain in the butt. And it's counterintuitive to player enjoyment to make something difficult but not challenging at all.


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