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Around the World Promo


Rookie 1
Sorry if this is an obvious thing, but can anyone tell me how I can see how many times I have played Navigator's Blitzes? I swear I have done it more than 50 in pursuit of the 3rd green balloon... but I guess I haven't and I'd like to know how many more I need. Thanks.


Rookie 3
Sorry if this is an obvious thing, but can anyone tell me how I can see how many times I have played Navigator's Blitzes? I swear I have done it more than 50 in pursuit of the 3rd green balloon... but I guess I haven't and I'd like to know how many more I need. Thanks.
You have to keep a tally count there's nothing in the system that advises you how many times you've completed the blitz


All-Star 3
Sorry if this is an obvious thing, but can anyone tell me how I can see how many times I have played Navigator's Blitzes? I swear I have done it more than 50 in pursuit of the 3rd green balloon... but I guess I haven't and I'd like to know how many more I need. Thanks.
Play a season game again from start to finish


Rookie 1
Soooo.....I'll have been playing 7 days worth of blitzes before I get the top hat.... something tells me as they will be compensating everyone with gears it's highly unlikely I get anywhere near the missed amount....already at 7K and counting.

Why the hell does it take them a week to fix something? We all know if we were all getting an extra 5% or any other benefit to the player that they would have fixed the issue right quick.


Rookie 1
I am a dumbass, it's the second balloon I meant to say, for 50 blitzes.

I did play another season game to be sure.

And also, if anyone sees Larry Bird can they tell him to stop stepping outside the G-D clutch3 zone? :)


Rookie 1
really sucks, they updated the new high flyers cards with the high card 107 ovr again also new sets is attend (need 400 players to reach 40 tokens for 1 double take select pack) but the daily beats not.



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Rookie 1
That pack guarantee 109 ovr ?

It's select pack 100-109, if lucky 109 could be among those choices but since 109 cards no released yet (except the KG one since him RB cards so not count) you need to wait I think.


Rookie 1
Why does my dumbass Satoransky keep missing the shot in the activate and shoot event ? Already lost stamina 7 times from that event itself


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