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Around the World Promo


Rookie 3
how to play navigator blitzes? Sorry I'm still newbie
the navigator blitz are the ones that look like they have a world behind them you click on them as long as you have enough stamina you can play each one their 25 50 and 75 they have a timer of one day reload to give the most amount of coin and gears


Pro 2
Not seeing a separate Laker Show thread. The 110 LBJ has early double clutch like 110 Kawhi. If only he was a sg.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Not seeing a separate Laker Show thread. The 110 LBJ has early double clutch like 110 Kawhi. If only he was a sg.
Yeah they basically set a precedent of 110 cards have pre-charged abilities (except BB cards) even for the 3pt clutch whereas anything less than that with a 3pt ability only has 1 use in a normal 2 minute quarter and the 2pt abilities have 2 uses except for 106 Bradley and apparently 107 Duncan


Rookie 1

Showdown WINS give you 20 gears... 20 stamina=20 gears IF YOU WIN ONLY

But you can replay the silly Blitz' without first win 25 stamina=50 gears (if you win only also, but easy ones)

Why would anyone play SD when going for this campaign?

I must be missing something.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief

Showdown WINS give you 20 gears... 20 stamina=20 gears IF YOU WIN ONLY

But you can replay the silly Blitz' without first win 25 stamina=50 gears (if you win only also, but easy ones)

Why would anyone play SD when going for this campaign?

I must be missing something.
Well like with any promo most times the incentive of playing SD doesn't come from the promo some people want the SD masters, bragging rights, or to test their team in the only game mode you can play an actual team close to your overall as many times as you want since LvL caps you at 2 games per tournament you're part of


Rookie 3

Showdown WINS give you 20 gears... 20 stamina=20 gears IF YOU WIN ONLY

But you can replay the silly Blitz' without first win 25 stamina=50 gears (if you win only also, but easy ones)

Why would anyone play SD when going for this campaign?

I must be missing something.
Well like with any promo most times the incentive of playing SD doesn't come from the promo some people want the SD masters, bragging rights, or to test their team in the only game mode you can play an actual team close to your overall as many times as you want since LvL caps you at 2 games per tournament you're part of
yeah, sd and lvl i believe is the very core of this game and why we all need to update our lineup, otherwise it will be totally waste of time. Also, i don’t think focusing your stamina will get you farther after the first master, so while the promo is boring, might as well use some stamina to enjoy your hard built lineup playing sd.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Well like with any promo most times the incentive of playing SD doesn't come from the promo some people want the SD masters, bragging rights, or to test their team in the only game mode you can play an actual team close to your overall as many times as you want since LvL caps you at 2 games per tournament you're part of
yeah, sd and lvl i believe is the very core of this game and why we all need to update our lineup, otherwise it will be totally waste of time. Also, i don’t think focusing your stamina will get you farther after the first master, so while the promo is boring, might as well use some stamina to enjoy your hard built lineup playing sd.
Exactly no point in building a lineup to beat up on crappy teams in live events or season


Rookie 3
Screenshot_20190812-181155_NBA Live.jpg

I cannot unlock the PF no matter if I play The showdown season mode dr. J I've gotten over 50 layups at this point about 27 steals an unknown number of dunks over 100 . does anybody else have any suggestions? Also are there any cheap starters that I can purchase to get rid of the three players at 75 they are Awful to play with.


Rookie 1
trying to go for gasol I’m currently at 10000 gears . 21,538 is what I’m tryna end the day with . What’s the best method of reaching this goal .


Rookie 1
Does anyone know if 103 Vucevic (20% boost) and 107 Giannis (50% boost) are auctionable? I was able to buy Grant Hill for the last promo from the AH, but no idea if it applies to this campaign.


Rookie 1
Does anyone know if 103 Vucevic (20% boost) and 107 Giannis (50% boost) are auctionable? I was able to buy Grant Hill for the last promo from the AH, but no idea if it applies to this campaign.

No, I have 103 vucevic and him not auctionable so I think Giannis too.



Rookie 2
well, that 75 jabari parker is terrible. any event involves shooting with this card is a huge risk of stamina loss.
anyone found the objective that gets a better SF card?


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