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Around the World Promo


Rookie 3
Season or showdown...
Over one or multiple quarters
Thank you for the feedback I'm counting what I've done and I've accomplished that and nothing opened up did it open up for you? Also are you getting any gears for doing the season?
Can you share the hidden objectives?

Got 2 players from:
5 alley oops- 91 PF Def Osman
5 steals-91 C Def Olynyk
Interesting did you do the five alley-oops and five steals in one quarter I've got that then plus some and didn't get anyting the drop are you also receiving gears for playing the season


All-Star 3
Thank you for the feedback I'm counting what I've done and I've accomplished that and nothing opened up did it open up for you? Also are you getting any gears for doing the season?

Interesting did you do the five alley-oops and five steals in one quarter I've got that then plus some and didn't get anyting the drop are you also receiving gears for playing the season
Seasons dont give points

Showdown gives 20 points per win


Rookie 1
i tried to do that alley oop at season it doesn't count. need to do it on sd. got it at my first try. beware dont do alley oop against all yaoming team.


All-Star 1
i tried to do that alley oop at season it doesn't count. need to do it on sd. got it at my first try. beware dont do alley oop against all yaoming team.
I was able to complete all of these objectives using season mode (3 alley oops, 3 dunks/layups and 5 steals).


Rookie 1
Hmmm.... learning I think... no gears from season, only from SD wins, seems like no chance for me... balloon things maybe. That'll be my strategery this time. Tell me if you think I'm wrong, as I said I am learning.


Rookie 3
How bizarre that the balloon stuff is not unlocking when I complete the requirements for the layups to dunks in the steeles I've done it in The showdown in game mode and in dr.jay


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