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2019 NBA Draft Promo


All-Star 1
Complete Combines 10-3. This is what I said earlier in this thread but an EA game changer and The Math God said otherwise. It’s why people couldn’t get the post draft trade exchange to work.
The thing that doesn't make sense is why the Post Draft Trade event wasn't up from the beginning. If it's locked, why wait until the actual Draft is over to activate it? If it bad been there from the get go(as it should've been) nobody would've been confused


All-Star 1
Shit, they suckered me out of $10 because I thought I'd be able to grab both Morant & Barrett through the Post draft trade. Typical EA, we all should've known better


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
The Worlds Greatest Human Being Ever and soon to be the newest YouTube NBALM “expert,” formerly known as The Math God, throwing EA under the bus over on Reddit because his 2 road theory of this campaign turned out to be wrong, and everyone who followed his cockeyed theory is screwed. I even put a post on his thread a couple days ago pointing out it was wrong. It was quickly deleted (what a surprise).
Yeah I saw that it was funny to see


Rookie 1
Is it possible to grind Zion plus a pick2/3 with iggy, if I start now...
Yes I believe so depending how far along you are. I grabbed Iggy off the ah shortly after the super blitz, finished the combines a few hours ago and am easily in line for two....all three will be a push


All-Star 3
Yes I believe so depending how far along you are. I grabbed Iggy off the ah shortly after the super blitz, finished the combines a few hours ago and am easily in line for two....all three will be a push
Ok thanks. Feel I'll end up losing coin.. but let's c if I can get him for cheap
Yes I believe so depending how far along you are. I grabbed Iggy off the ah shortly after the super blitz, finished the combines a few hours ago and am easily in line for two....all three will be a push
I'm I missing something? What does Iggy have to do with the promo and why did you buy an Iggy card?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm I missing something? What does Iggy have to do with the promo and why did you buy an Iggy card?
There is a 40% cap boost 105 Balanced SF Iggy card that was released when the promo started the timer ran out the other day but unlike the other promos with a similar format to this one the big boost item is actually auctionable


Rookie 1
I don't know why people still spend money on this fcking game when they gonna just reset your fcking valuable card every year.


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