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2019 NBA Draft Promo

EA doesn't care about international players - from not taking the exchange rate into consideration in the store (eg. Zion costs £100 for me, which is $127) to being quicker than they've ever been in adding POTG during the finals and as a result spoiling the result of the game for anyone who had recorded it and planned to watch it the next day due to time difference. They have contempt for anyone outside of America!
Agreed 100%. Zion is also $127 (Ksh 13,000) for me. It's ridiculous.

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Here is 115€...bit all of us have to admit one thing
Despite all the glitches,cheating,non care from developers,high expensive purchase pack we are all adicted to this game...madness 😂😂🏀🏀


Pro 1
EA doesn't care about international players - from not taking the exchange rate into consideration in the store (eg. Zion costs £100 for me, which is $127) to being quicker than they've ever been in adding POTG during the finals and as a result spoiling the result of the game for anyone who had recorded it and planned to watch it the next day due to time difference. They have contempt for anyone outside of America!
I’m pretty sure the difference is due to taxes.
So the real problem is that European politicians (or whoever votes for them I guess) care even less for their “subjects” than in other parts of the world.

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
I’m pretty sure the difference is due to taxes.
So the real problem is that European politicians (or whoever votes for them I guess) care even less for their “subjects” than in other parts of the world.
"Subjects" 😂😂😂
Everywhere is the same sh**...only thing they care is how to get more 0 in their accounts


Rookie 1
Here is 115€...bit all of us have to admit one thing
Despite all the glitches,cheating,non care from developers,high expensive purchase pack we are all adicted to this game...madness 😂😂🏀🏀
This is the sad truth about the game. It's even worse for 2K. These basketball game developers are exploiting everybody by using the NBA brand.
Looks like the super blitz was a big success with record number of accounts online at the same time.

And of course that twist with the post draft event......never change EA


Rookie 2
I've been scanning this thread but haven't read every post. Have people confirmed how you get the draft pick tokens? I know earlier people thought it was automatic when you got 58 other NBA tokens. Thx.


All-Star 3
Im pretty sure you need to complete the picks event to get the pick token.. getting the amount of tokens reqd seems too easy...
There is no picks event.. u get the required ballots, a pop up comes giving u the pick..

And I wouldn't call it an easy grind to get the 39 ballots too


All-Star 3
I've been scanning this thread but haven't read every post. Have people confirmed how you get the draft pick tokens? I know earlier people thought it was automatic when you got 58 other NBA tokens. Thx.
Yup automatic.. u can see Buckeyes stream video to c it.. if u want to confirm


Pro 2
How much u invest?
I bought the original starter packs, and % boost items. And then god knows what I spent on stamina because I got the rest of the way by playing the 75 blitz for 48 caps per. Hundreds of times. I guess the post draft event is glitched? I played it nonstop for over an hour last night with no issue onverting caps to ballots. So the answer is I don’t really know. But the math was it was cheaper to grind the blitz events and keep buying stamina than buying caps in store (after initial starter deals).


Rookie 1
Tom I noticed you had the big 3 well done! What are your thoughts on their game play? How would you rank them?

I have yet to pull any triggers....61 draft ballots but unsure whether to get Zion and possibly not have enough time/caps etc to get to one of the other two....or get Ja and RJ. (Still need 3,270 caps to complete the draft combine to open the post-trade blitz).

Could you also advise with respect to the difficulty of the post-trade blitz events....are they just more of the same? I'm trying to gauge the likelihood of success in these.



Pro 2
Tom I noticed you had the big 3 well done! What are your thoughts on their game play? How would you rank them?

I have yet to pull any triggers....61 draft ballots but unsure whether to get Zion and possibly not have enough time/caps etc to get to one of the other two....or get Ja and RJ. (Still need 3,270 caps to complete the draft combine to open the post-trade blitz).

Could you also advise with respect to the difficulty of the post-trade blitz events....are they just more of the same? I'm trying to gauge the likelihood of success in these.


They were awesome last night. My team is nerfed as of this morning so no gameplay until this evening. EA! Zion is a dunking machine and can hit 3s. Ja is good and steals a lot. RJ - jury still out. Ya know I never know how a card will really perform until it’s out a couple days. Not sure why there always seems to be a break in period. Cards usually play off the chain at first, then get weak, then settle in. It’s weird.

The post draft trade events are super easy - exactly the same as the cap blitz events.


Rookie 1
They were awesome last night. My team is nerfed as of this morning so no gameplay until this evening. EA! Zion is a dunking machine and can hit 3s. Ja is good and steals a lot. RJ - jury still out. Ya know I never know how a card will really perform until it’s out a couple days. Not sure why there always seems to be a break in period. Cards usually play off the chain at first, then get weak, then settle in. It’s weird.

The post draft trade events are super easy - exactly the same as the cap blitz events.

Curious about the bolded portion. Can you elaborate please?


Pro 2
The Worlds Greatest Human Being Ever and soon to be the newest YouTube NBALM “expert,” formerly known as The Math God, throwing EA under the bus over on Reddit because his 2 road theory of this campaign turned out to be wrong, and everyone who followed his cockeyed theory is screwed. I even put a post on his thread a couple days ago pointing out it was wrong. It was quickly deleted (what a surprise).


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