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2019 NBA All-Star Promo

There will be a second campaign running over All-Star weekend with a chance to get additional players and extra votes. I believe some of the events will have no stamina cost.


Rookie 1
There will be a second campaign running over All-Star weekend with a chance to get additional players and extra votes. I believe some of the events will have no stamina cost.

Sorry to check with Commondjapan, have this news been announced by EA side? Any ideas when it coming over, it definitely will help a lot of grinders here


All-Star 1
There will be a second campaign running over All-Star weekend with a chance to get additional players and extra votes. I believe some of the events will have no stamina cost.

Sorry to check with Commondjapan, have this news been announced by EA side? Any ideas when it coming over, it definitely will help a lot of grinders here
Not Commondjapan but I think I saw the same info he is referencing on discord. Basically, what he said exactly. All-Star weekend officially starts 2/15 so hopefully we see extra events then.


All-Star 3
There will be a second campaign running over All-Star weekend with a chance to get additional players and extra votes. I believe some of the events will have no stamina cost.

Sorry to check with Commondjapan, have this news been announced by EA side? Any ideas when it coming over, it definitely will help a lot of grinders here
Not Commondjapan but I think I saw the same info he is referencing on discord. Basically, what he said exactly. All-Star weekend officially starts 2/15 so hopefully we see extra events then.
Came from an EA employee


Rookie 3
has anyone pulled anything but reg golds from the all star bonus packs?

what about the 30k coin pack in the store? also just regular golds??


Rookie 1
has anyone pulled anything but reg golds from the all star bonus packs?

what about the 30k coin pack in the store? also just regular golds??

From the 30k all star pack, I manage to pulled one elite 88 (Payton) last night, I also shock that the pack have elite chance


Rookie 1
Tip off Stevens or Pop
Dragon court
Both XP LNY jerseys
5 81-88 overall GOTW players

My main has all but a C GOTW player because I chose Doncic on week 1 and Wade instead of Horford so hopefully Davis or Vucevic get a center card this week so I can get the 96/97 and the 88/89 cards for my various lineups since I have enough gold and elite tokens for a 96+ and an 88+

Oh wow, I forgot about the xP boost from the Dragon court, well done!

Yeah it was a coin boost then a couple days before the last court came out they advertised that it was an XP boost in the store but still had a coin boost so when the last court came out it finally changed to an XP one the court and jerseys are able to be used with the AS lineup for a 30% boost

is it necessary to change home/away jerseys for LNY XP boost? alternatively, change one of them for XP boost, another (eg. away jersey) is for coin boost?


All-Star 1
Oh wow, I forgot about the xP boost from the Dragon court, well done!

Yeah it was a coin boost then a couple days before the last court came out they advertised that it was an XP boost in the store but still had a coin boost so when the last court came out it finally changed to an XP one the court and jerseys are able to be used with the AS lineup for a 30% boost

is it necessary to change home/away jerseys for LNY XP boost? alternatively, change one of them for XP boost, another (eg. away jersey) is for coin boost?

Might be. I thought both jerseys were always active regardless of if you were home or away. But I have a 3pt boost jersey and recently noticed that it only shows up when I'm home, not away. It's not giving a player boost 100% of the time
There will be a second campaign running over All-Star weekend with a chance to get additional players and extra votes. I believe some of the events will have no stamina cost.

Sorry to check with Commondjapan, have this news been announced by EA side? Any ideas when it coming over, it definitely will help a lot of grinders here

The info was from the Community Manager. She said she?d have more detailed info available on Thursday.


All-Star 1


Rookie 1
is it a good idea to collect bonus packs without opening them? I won't be missing out on the votes, and if I open them during the next promo I wouldn't be missing out on the Larry Bird tokens either. looks like vets like commond and betaman have opened them and I'm confused.


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