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2019 Mobile Madness Promo


Rookie 1
Not sorted out. I sent two tickets to EA - one a bug report, and one a missing content ticket asking for compensation. Abhishek, who "would assist" me with my issue, offered me a "madden pack" lol. I'm honestly surprised at this.

I know that these kinds of low-level shenanigans are commonplace with the Madden Mobile team, and are the reason I actually left that game. So far, from my experience on NBALM, bugs get acknowledged and fixed quickly, and usually there's some form of compensation. The handling of this even reeks of Madden Mobile, unfortunately. :(

The issue is still not fixed for me - making it nearly two whole days that I haven't been able to play a single Mobile Madness event. Anyone have any other updates other than "we're working on rolling out a fix?"


Rookie 1
Apparently it's a time zone thing, based on EA's Twitter, only affecting Android users in GMT +2. If you set your device time to a different timezone, then you should be able to play the events. It worked for me. Now let's see if we get any form of compensation - by my count and the amount that I grind as F2P, I missed out on at least 20 elite bracket tokens, so that should be a good place to start.


Rookie 1
Apparently it's a time zone thing, based on EA's Twitter, only affecting Android users in GMT +2. If you set your device time to a different timezone, then you should be able to play the events. It worked for me. Now let's see if we get any form of compensation - by my count and the amount that I grind as F2P, I missed out on at least 20 elite bracket tokens, so that should be a good place to start.

Looks like no compensation - douche move EA.....


Rookie 1
It's too early for compensations since the issue is still affecting some people.

Yeah, possibly. When I posted I didn't know that people in GMT were having their turn to be affected. I assumed (yeah, I know what happens when you assume), that the fix EA rolled out would solve the issue for everyone, and not create a new issue in a totally different part of the world.
Wtf they changed the blitz events from every 8 hours to every 24 hours
Lol I didn't even notice that until I read this. They must have realized the promo was way too easy. Either that or they hope to catch people so far down the rabbit hole that they will be willing to pay to come out the other side.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
My events reset with first win at 3pm est but the countdown timer starts at 16hours. Hopefully it is just an error.
Same for me it happened mid-day with no notice hopefully it is an error but wouldn't out it past them to try and screw people over mid-promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Lol I didn't even notice that until I read this. They must have realized the promo was way too easy. Either that or they hope to catch people so far down the rabbit hole that they will be willing to pay to come out the other side.
I wouldn't put that past them
Today is daylight savings day in Europe. This thing is messing up the game big time LOL.

I will try to change my device to Australian Time zone later to see if this trick still works.


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