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Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


Rookie 1
Traded in 10 elites for an ultra, and now that ultra is not available for a royal... and I need one more. Sigh... am I missing something here?


Pro 2
Screenshot_20200721-155200_NBA LIVE.jpg

Anyone have this problem where u get the ball after they score and your player on auto just sits at the top dribbling till 1 second then throws a hail mary

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Sorry to interrupt but I just had to do it, I'm asking how many seasons does one play in nba coz the more I continue the more they are getting tough


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Thanks for the info and now I know it was not a bug. Am I alone in thinking that SUCKS, after I have been grinding up for a new Ultra?
You are definitely not alone in that I wish all cards were able to be used in sets and auctionable

Something else that's messed up is that if you sell a royal court from live pass the bot only gives you like 200k for it when it easily sells for way more than that just for the super sets


Pro 2
any word on any more "superstar" players being added? prefer another SF so there would be 2, and if possible an actual PG with a sure fire attribute (clutch/in the paint)
most likely wishful thinking


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
what the .... so my 102 +13 ridicck can go over 121?
that was SD, and his harden had 125 3pt
Yep they can still go over just not show on the card so when I use 105 superstar Trae he goes over the card max automatically and then hits the 125 with his x factor active


Pro 2
Yep they can still go over just not show on the card so when I use 105 superstar Trae he goes over the card max automatically and then hits the 125 with his x factor active
dang.... for my SS team im focusing on 3pt boost, so any players or couches, or 3 boost you know off let me hear em


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
dang.... for my SS team im focusing on 3pt boost, so any players or couches, or 3 boost you know off let me hear em
Well in the list of base cards I have the ones with 3pt boost in there then you have Phil Jackson but most of the 3pt boost cards out now are lower overall there are only 6 106+ I can think of and that's 106 Siakam (forgot his nickname), Starbury, White Chocolate, 106/107 McCollum, Booker, and Middleton


Pro 2
Well in the list of base cards I have the ones with 3pt boost in there then you have Phil Jackson but most of the 3pt boost cards out now are lower overall there are only 6 106+ I can think of and that's 106 Siakam (forgot his nickname), Starbury, White Chocolate, 106/107 McCollum, Booker, and Middleton
if i can search in the AH ill try and find them. thanks.


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