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Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


Rookie 1
one thing should be improved, opening of tokens, it is very annoying this 5-6 secs of opening like we do not know what is going to happen..
also monthly master tokens could be putted lets say 50 tokens in package for 5 elizte tokens, not only 20 by 20... all of this token things needs to be more fast..


Pro 2
My experience only as Of yesterday and today - the ai is back to where it was before update. Circus Shot layups, 3s, 3s, 3s. Rebounding no better. Goalteding the same. Blocking or effectively contesting outside shots is a non-thing again. Difficulty of steals back to where it was. As of yesterday, I see no difference versus pre update. What I experienced is for about 24 hours after update there were some noticeable, if minor, improvements. But they are gone now. Opponents ovr doesn’t seem to matter - it’s as if all ai is fungible regardless of team ovr or card ovr/attributes. Maybe others are having a different experience. But our league guys are having the same issues I am. And it burns me that I had to switch from my +7 3 coach to a LD or Street coach for ultimate lineup to avoid the EA’s very bizarre idea of what a zone defense is for SS lineup play. I’m assuming it’s driven by the coach game style.

Im wondering why EA makes changes To benefit our manual play and they don’t last, whilst when EA makes changes that hurt manual play, they stay. IDK, I’m no techie, but maybe it’s because the nerf algorithms have priority over everything else And quickly gobble up any changes that seem to benefit us. This much I’m certain of - the current NBALM Team at EA doesn’t know how to fix anything About gameplay and the system is wildly unstable. Im not sure if they made it worse with last update, but they definitely didn’t make anything better that would improve players‘ gameplay.

On a Fun Scale, it keeps getting less and less enjoyable to play. And I am not playing much at all. I’ve quit league play because it’s insanely bad. Other than LP jump and MM starter pack, I’m done spending on this game. There is no gameplay advantage to trying to make a better team - I’ll do a little better against a 108 than a 100 in SD. 🤦‍♂️

The best players can fight through this *sometimes*. I’ve never claimed to be a great player - just average. So pretty much I’m f###ed. I’ll *never* use game guardian, but I’m closer to wanting it than I ever have been. If EA won’t enforce rules against cheating & they repeatedly make the gameplay harder, they simply drive up the demand for cheating. This doesn’t absolve the cheaters, but it’s about time that EA acknowledge their crap gameplay creates a meaningful part of the overall demand for cheating.
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All-Star 1
played against a player who had curry and lebron purple card
Some people got a pop up the other day from the store. There were like 4-6 different cards/ packs as a "Starter pack", 1 player per pack. Bron, Curry, Harden, Yao, etc. All different OVR. You got the card and other stuff for real $. Nothing special, IMO


Pro 2
Some people got a pop up the other day from the store. It has 4-6 cards as a "Starter pack". Bron, Curry, Harden, Yao, etc. All different OVR. You got the card and other stuff for real $. Nothing special, IMO
every now and then on a lucky day i would get a special pop up as well, once had one for ITP yao and i almost bought it, 3 pro packs later i pulled him 😅 had a pop up earlier for 1.99 for a 102 player and % of higher i passed on it, but dang


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
every now and then on a lucky day i would get a special pop up as well, once had one for ITP yao and i almost bought it, 3 pro packs later i pulled him 😅 had a pop up earlier for 1.99 for a 102 player and % of higher i passed on it, but dang
Yeah like dub said it's just cards EA markets towards new players


All-Star 1
I have a complaint:

This game is dead to me because they ruined gameplay, thus making it pointless to upgrade players. I'm gonna play my LVL quarters with an lineup of 80-89s in a couple hours and prove its all a farce


Rookie 2
I have a complaint:

This game is dead to me because they ruined gameplay, thus making it pointless to upgrade players. I'm gonna play my LVL quarters with an lineup of 80-89s in a couple hours and prove its all a farce


Rookie 1
I have a complaint:

This game is dead to me because they ruined gameplay, thus making it pointless to upgrade players. I'm gonna play my LVL quarters with an lineup of 80-89s in a couple hours and prove its all a farce

For that reason I am quitting this game.
About that, I have a question: where should I spend all the NBA cash accumulated (currently 9600)? For example there is a Western Premium Pack for 1000 cash that contains 101 Mobile Madness Zion, so I might buy it beacuse I wanted Zion back in march. I just want to get something cool in my last day, because probably tomorrow I am deleting the game and the account from my phone. Already spent all my coins just for "fun" in the AH on the cards that were my "dreams" when I started playing in march (like Mobile Madness KD). I kept playing a few days after deciding to quit because I wanted to try to find Arena Magic Johnson in Premium NBA Returns packs, but I had no luck.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I searched for curry and couldn't find him either no ones selling him or hes unauctionable. 105 SS curry community day and fathers day
Ok I remember the community day cards yeah they're not auctionable but the father's day cards are


All-Star 1
I played against this 107 lineup and won by 6, easily. Should've been 11 or more pts but I botched Shaq's ability and accidentally hit the pass button as I went to shoot Magic's BB. Didn't even use Garnett's Clutch. Shouldn't have been able to play that well in LVL against a good lineup. I had no bench boosts either. I'm pretty much done with this Circus....



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