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Storm & Surge Promos


Rookie 1
Lets say i grind my way up to de - aron fox. But will i be able to get enough supercells to upgrade him(f2p). He wont be any use without being upgraded because i only want him on my bench.

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Lets say i grind my way up to de - aron fox. But will i be able to get enough supercells to upgrade him(f2p). He wont be any use without being upgraded because i only want him on my bench.
If you miss any super cell token that is refreshing after 7hrs you will not upgrade to 105 piece of advice from me 😊


Rookie 1
Well at that rate you won't be getting Mitchell. I spent literally nothing on this promo (no NBA cash, no stamina bottles) but I am at 55k. Are you watching your ads and buying coin packs? Those give 5k per day.
The other advice I can give you is always play the last 2 blitz events for the first wins every 8 hours, and the first blitz event every 2 hours. Put all the boost players in your storm or surge lineup, then use the one with most boosts. I have a +14% boost on my storm lineup.
Last thing, if you really have a lot of time, the best way to grind after the first wins is play the 15 stamina event 3 times, then close the pop up ad and watch the stamina ad. You end up actually gaining stamina with that method.
Thank you! For some reason I have never been able to watch any ads from my phone since day one, Thanks for your advice on playing the first blitz event every 2 hours though, I haven't been doing that, seems too much for to log in every 2 hours for this match. Let me also consider buying the coin packs. Cheers!


Rookie 3
Damn, I’m dumb. I just upgraded Mitchell today, only to realize after the fact that he’s a SG and not a PG. I already have 104 SS Butler and Allen, 106 Harden and Iverson at 105 by tomorrow..

Meanwhile, 105 Lillard and Kemba are seriously disappointing me at PG. Should have saved the tokens for Fox.


Rookie 1
What the
EA just had a randon server maintenance just now
I thought they had it at a specific time
Hopei didn't lose nothing


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What the
EA just had a randon server maintenance just now
I thought they had it at a specific time
Hopei didn't lose nothing
They have maintenance at irregular times to fix things this one is likely to fix the fact that 4th of July event doesn't count points
Damn, I’m dumb. I just upgraded Mitchell today, only to realize after the fact that he’s a SG and not a PG. I already have 104 SS Butler and Allen, 106 Harden and Iverson at 105 by tomorrow..

Meanwhile, 105 Lillard and Kemba are seriously disappointing me at PG. Should have saved the tokens for Fox.

how many tokens do you think we would be short if we redeem for 105 Mitchell and then just reach 104 fox on the last day? Was hoping to get both to 105 even if I need to buy out the set with a little nba cash. Looks like I’m on track to get the five tokens to complete one master later tonight, and we have four more days remaining.


All-Star 3
how many tokens do you think we would be short if we redeem for 105 Mitchell and then just reach 104 fox on the last day? Was hoping to get both to 105 even if I need to buy out the set with a little nba cash. Looks like I’m on track to get the five tokens to complete one master later tonight, and we have four more days remaining.
based on the calculations i have seen ull be 1/2 short
based on the calculations i have seen ull be 1/2 short

yea I saw someone’s comment in another thread and I think, for me, 700 nba cash to complete the second master is nba cash well spent. I’m extremely stingy about spending nba cash on anything chance related so this is more interesting to me.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
yea I saw someone’s comment in another thread and I think, for me, 700 nba cash to complete the second master is nba cash well spent. I’m extremely stingy about spending nba cash on anything chance related so this is more interesting to me.
Yep everyone should look at their situation and what they want from these next few days worth of time


Rookie 1
Did anyone notice that the sets for the masters are expiring in 3 days, while the promo ends in 4 days? Looks like we won't be able to complete the set on the last day. Is this a mistake by EA or did they do that on purpose?


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