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Storm & Surge Promos


Rookie 2
Here’s my leader board and am
Like wtf. How’d he get over 370K points.


  • F714EC32-8FF2-4B23-899E-E4E0E524C93A.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 213


Rookie 1
I am hoping to get up to 145K so that I can get the Donovan Mitchell 104. However the current rate isn't going to get me there by playing the Blitz events and right now I am only at 16K.

Any tips on getting more water vapors points? I know playing the warm up game and seasons are options. If there are other suggestions pls let me know thanks.


Rookie 2
I'm at 65k right now have used all my nba cash and I'm not planning to buy more nba can I get 145k player I have 7 days left

Just divide the target by 10. For example fox is 245
So everyday you need to get 24.5. If you're missing then it's a no


Rookie 1
I am hoping to get up to 145K so that I can get the Donovan Mitchell 104. However the current rate isn't going to get me there by playing the Blitz events and right now I am only at 16K.

Any tips on getting more water vapors points? I know playing the warm up game and seasons are options. If there are other suggestions pls let me know thanks.
Well at that rate you won't be getting Mitchell. I spent literally nothing on this promo (no NBA cash, no stamina bottles) but I am at 55k. Are you watching your ads and buying coin packs? Those give 5k per day.
The other advice I can give you is always play the last 2 blitz events for the first wins every 8 hours, and the first blitz event every 2 hours. Put all the boost players in your storm or surge lineup, then use the one with most boosts. I have a +14% boost on my storm lineup.
Last thing, if you really have a lot of time, the best way to grind after the first wins is play the 15 stamina event 3 times, then close the pop up ad and watch the stamina ad. You end up actually gaining stamina with that method.

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Well at that rate you won't be getting Mitchell. I spent literally nothing on this promo (no NBA cash, no stamina bottles) but I am at 55k. Are you watching your ads and buying coin packs? Those give 5k per day.
The other advice I can give you is always play the last 2 blitz events for the first wins every 8 hours, and the first blitz event every 2 hours. Put all the boost players in your storm or surge lineup, then use the one with most boosts. I have a +14% boost on my storm lineup.
Last thing, if you really have a lot of time, the best way to grind after the first wins is play the 15 stamina event 3 times, then close the pop up ad and watch the stamina ad. You end up actually gaining stamina with that method.
I'm at 80k now just followed ur advise but have spent 2000 nba cash


Rookie 1
depends on if u can get a boost player - {brown} (coins/nba cash) .. then with arena u can get fox easily

Do you recommend arena because for 50 stamina you get 300 vapor (before any boosts)? Or is there some other advantage to using it that I'm not seeing?


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