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Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


Pro 2
Bruh in my league tournament I have 27 points and a freaking -28 point differential. I’ve played both matches and have had 2 matches played against me. Like bruh. There’s no way my team is that bad on AI. 👎👎 the league we were facing had all 103’s but still. I had a 9 differential before having those matching played against me. That means my opponents beat me for a combined 37 points.


Rookie 2
Bruh in my league tournament I have 27 points and a freaking -28 point differential. I’ve played both matches and have had 2 matches played against me. Like bruh. There’s no way my team is that bad on AI. 👎👎 the league we were facing had all 103’s but still. I had a 9 differential before having those matching played against me. That means my opponents beat me for a combined 37 points.

Some top 100 team scored 40 on us few weeks ago. The league cheating has evolved over the years, some glitch ea stopped them. But some remains. The solution of ea is simply give bad rewards so that you don't win much. Just have to live with it.

Another is it's very hard to prove cheating. The other guy can easily say he is just that good


Rookie 2
I finished an areana game. Right when it says I won. Maintenance. Now I'm stuck at waiting for game. Can't give up. Can't play. What to do?

Nevermind. Clear cache fixes it. Didn't record my win tho


Rookie 2
Something just happened to me a few minutes ago: I had bought a live pass like 4 days ago, and I claimed it every day. But since yesterday, every time I logged in it said my court pass was expiring, and I was confused, because it surely hadn’t been more than 5 days since I’d bought it. But today I didn’t even get to claim my 20 gold splash tokens and 200 stamina.

It went back to this image.


All-Star 1
Wanna know how I lost 100 stamina in this promo once? Iguodala missed three straight open midrange shots
I lost with Mutombo on avoiding the circles. No matter what I did his strides kept hitting a circle. I know it was me but it was crazy how many times I hit an obstacle, on the plus side, I’m 2 for 3 with his 89 version in the make a 3 at the end shuttle event.🙄 So glad I’m done with those tier 2 events.


Rookie 2
I freaking hate that lockdown event drill where you have to get 2 blocks, steals, or win, because it doesn’t even count if you win the game, and it’s so hard to get steals


Rookie 2
So today, I played my league quarters right? Well, I go against a 101 ovr and the first quarter I play I only win by 3 because apparently they were making every single shot. And then when I play my second quarter against him I get called for a defensive foul and he gets three free throws


Rookie 2
I ended up losing my second league quarter to that 101 ovr by those 3 free throws, a few dumb passes where I threw it out of bounds because the pass button wasn’t working, and because apparently that 101 Danilo Gallinari is now the best card in the game


Rookie 2
They’re just a few games and I’m not that angry about them but god is the gameplay inconsistent as heck


Pro 2
Anyone else notice you dont get arena points from watching the ad? I been stuck at 150 for idk how long at least 3 days everytime I watch the 500 point ad it doesnt add it and I remain at 150. I only noticed today after I was like hold up shouldnt I have gotten something by now? It said 150 I watched the ad for 500 and when it was over still at 150.


All-Star 1
Anyone else notice you dont get arena points from watching the ad? I been stuck at 150 for idk how long at least 3 days everytime I watch the 500 point ad it doesnt add it and I remain at 150. I only noticed today after I was like hold up shouldnt I have gotten something by now? It said 150 I watched the ad for 500 and when it was over still at 150.
Yeah it’s glitched for a while now. I think I got it one day into the new tournament and then it stopped working with the “ad update” 🙄


Rookie 2
There’s always possessions where my opponent misses like 2 straight dunks but it won’t let me get a defensive rebound. Like, getting out rebounded is the most frustrating thing in the game


Rookie 2
This is random, but for the May monthly masters, it says there’s 1 week and 3 days left, so does that mean there’s 10 days left or only 9? Assuming I’ve played all the events for the current day


Rookie 1
22 - day 1
23 - day 2
24 - day 3
25 - day 4
26 - day 5
27 - day 6
28 - day 7
29 - day 8
30 - day 9
31 - day 10

10 more days to go.
With normal daily play max about 100 tokens is all you can get


Rookie 2
22 - day 1
23 - day 2
24 - day 3
25 - day 4
26 - day 5
27 - day 6
28 - day 7
29 - day 8
30 - day 9
31 - day 10

10 more days to go.
With normal daily play max about 100 tokens is all you can get
Sorry, didn’t mean to post this on two threads, but thanks. Now I know I can definitely get my 104 Klay. I just need 96 more tokens for the 104


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