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Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


Rookie 2
Guys quick advice I’m about to get 104 Klay soon, so should I sell him for like 7 mil after I get the 103 Redick or keep Klay?


All-Star 1
I would sell him if I was you
Agree, too many SG’s not to take advantage of those coins. Also probably better off selling your inventory of elites (matched to the 5 Redick teams of course) and trade tokens and Just buying players for Redick set. They should be cheap by end of promo.


Rookie 2
I would sell him if I was you
Yeah, that’s the right decision. I could probably make at least 6 million coins from Klay. However, I’ve seen that many 104 Klays aren’t selling on the AH that much, but if I sell mine a little cheaper it should sell.


Rookie 2
Agree, too many SG’s not to take advantage of those coins. Also probably better off selling your inventory of elites (matched to the 5 Redick teams of course) and trade tokens and Just buying players for Redick set. They should be cheap by end of promo.
Like buying teammate players to get the 103 Redick?


Rookie 1
Guys quick advice I’m about to get 104 Klay soon, so should I sell him for like 7 mil after I get the 103 Redick or keep Klay?

IMO it's a brilliant idea to sell it as these players will soon be outdated but coins will be with u, which u can use at later stages, I am at 19 mil and I will sell my curry 104 too.
I thought tht 15 mil was enough but then I met a guy with 90 mil....😆😆😆😆


Rookie 2
IMO it's a brilliant idea to sell it as these players will soon be outdated but coins will be with u, which u can use at later stages, I am at 19 mil and I will sell my curry 104 too.
I thought tht 15 mil was enough but then I met a guy with 90 mil....😆😆😆😆
I’m speechless.


Rookie 2
IMO it's a brilliant idea to sell it as these players will soon be outdated but coins will be with u, which u can use at later stages, I am at 19 mil and I will sell my curry 104 too.
I thought tht 15 mil was enough but then I met a guy with 90 mil....😆😆😆😆
Seriously it’s just crazy. At this point idk what this game has become lol


Rookie 3
So, how much boosts do you have to have to get to 105?

I’ve got 48 active team boosts with this lineup and I’m still stuck on 104. Any ideas?


  • A7B6D885-29C4-424E-B929-6873D8EA5879.jpeg
    800.4 KB · Views: 262


All-Star 1
So, how much boosts do you have to have to get to 105?

I’ve got 48 active team boosts with this lineup and I’m still stuck on 104. Any ideas?
It has nothing to do with boost points. You need, IMO, 2 more OVR pts in order to get there.


Rookie 1
-Player OVR cap, bringing this feature adds a lot of variety and excitement to new cards, also gives users the ability to pick from a wide variety of cards that they personally prefer, We, as a communityfind this better than everyonejust going for the highest OVR players

- More online modes/events, adding more limited time online events that players can compete against each other for rewards definitely adds more flow and excitement to the game.

-Game customization, Adding more features such as adjustable graphics levels, camera angles, servers etc..., brings more joy and player satisfaction while playing.

-More 3v3,2v2,1v1 modes, For the last couple seasons we've seen the same 5v5 events, modes, and gameplay. Adding more modes were there's less players and different game modes brings way more variety and flow to the game.

Game appearance, Season after season NBA Live Mobile has had the same layout and look that we are all used to seeing. Switching the way the game looks and making it more graphically appealing while still being optimized for most devices definitely keeps players tuned in.

Advanced dribble moves/move set, we've all been wanting this for quite some time now and adding a way players can put together moves and unique combos would give players a reason they want to play, this can be possible by adding a dribble stick, or more buttons to press that doesn't take up too much of the screen but is still enjoyable.

Improve seasons mode, Seasons mode has been pointless to play every year, the rewards just aren't worth grinding for and there just isn't really any challenge while playing, adding a difficulty selection that we can choose from and a increase in rewards would make the mode worth playing.

Lineups/Roster, Keeping the number of lineups at 1-3 brings a more realistic feel to the game and definitely something the community has been wanting for a while.

-This game has been enjoyable over the years and as a community we can all agree implementing these features will definitely keep us tuned in as well as new players excited to play.


Rookie 1
Post all of your complaints/suggestions for the game here
Player OVR cap, bringing this feature adds a lot of variety and excitement to new cards, also gives users the ability to pick from a wide variety of cards that they personally prefer, We, as a communityfind this better than everyonejust going for the highest OVR players

- More online modes/events, adding more limited time online events that players can compete against each other for rewards definitely adds more flow and excitement to the game.

-Game customization, Adding more features such as adjustable graphics levels, camera angles, servers etc..., brings more joy and player satisfaction while playing.

-More 3v3,2v2,1v1 modes, For the last couple seasons we've seen the same 5v5 events, modes, and gameplay. Adding more modes were there's less players and different game modes brings way more variety and flow to the game.

Game appearance, Season after season NBA Live Mobile has had the same layout and look that we are all used to seeing. Switching the way the game looks and making it more graphically appealing while still being optimized for most devices definitely keeps players tuned in.

Advanced dribble moves/move set, we've all been wanting this for quite some time now and adding a way players can put together moves and unique combos would give players a reason they want to play, this can be possible by adding a dribble stick, or more buttons to press that doesn't take up too much of the screen but is still enjoyable.

Improve seasons mode, Seasons mode has been pointless to play every year, the rewards just aren't worth grinding for and there just isn't really any challenge while playing, adding a difficulty selection that we can choose from and a increase in rewards would make the mode worth playing.

Lineups/Roster, Keeping the number of lineups at 1-3 brings a more realistic feel to the game and definitely something the community has been wanting for a while.

-This game has been enjoyable over the years and as a community we can all agree implementing these features will definitely keep us tuned in as well as new players excited to play


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