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109 lineup thread


Pro 1
Thnx mate...with a huge 3pt boost he should be a monster on manual...but IMH i faced him already in 3 lvl matches and couple SD and his ai is not so good,which taking into consideration his stats is weird thats why i asked for stats..anyway very good team,congrats
Yeah I’m not expecting much but this is the Simmons with the most impactful ovr in S3, so I had to try him out.


All-Star 3
Ouch well you can try 107 Kuzma for Kawhi
Ya thought abt that.
Only other think I could think of is switch to a shooting lineup.. switch pippen with Durant and harden for rj..
But I like durant cards.. but seems to be the best way I guess


All-Star 1
Ya thought abt that.
Only other think I could think of is switch to a shooting lineup.. switch pippen with Durant and harden for rj..
But I like durant cards.. but seems to be the best way I guess
If you switch to shooting then I think you could use SH Finals Durant in the SF spot and move Cosmic KD to bench for boost (replace George in this case). Zion is an option at PF as well but still expensive. Finals Kawhi is also SH SF. Problem as always is boost is required to get you the needed OVR bump. All of these "top tier" :rolleyes: 107 cards are lacking boosts. Altavilla's lineup was the first 109 I saw without 110 Kawhi, 108 VC, RB Hakeem or one of the new 110 Masters.
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All-Star 3
Ifyou switch to shooting tehn I think you could use SH Finals Durant in the SF spot and move Cosmic KD to bench for boost (replace George in this case). Zion is an option at PF as well but still expensive. Finals Kawhi is also SH SF. Problem as always is boost needed to get you the needed OVR bump. All of these "top tier" 107 cards are lacking boosts.
Let's c..doing some mass sales and buys to see what works..just throwing away coins.. lol.. but its nice to be able to do that atleast this season for me..


All-Star 3
107 Parish or Sikma may reach 109
107 Doncic would be a perfect fit. One available at my AH right now for 2,9M. But sure if it will get you there...
Thanks.. but basically I'm not trying to change melo/ray/kawhi.. and playing around with the rest.. locked at the centre too..
I wish I could sell kawhi then would change my pf ..btw no def pfs in my ah
Edit : just checked. Doncic 3.5 in my ah.. too much for a short pf for me


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