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109 lineup thread


All-Star 3
Nice alta.
I think I'm kd away from getting it.. but u never know..
Matching chemistry seems to be the toughest thing.
Hows ben play


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
also is the magic dragon available in the same search criteria? And in your opinion which is the best boost?
No Stuff is not auctionable and Boomer is still the best boost item imo but it's also unauctionable
No Stuff is not auctionable and Boomer is still the best boost item imo but it's also unauctionable
Boomer is the best in terms of type of boost but surprisingly with Boomer some of my players remain at 108. I switched to the NBA defensive team with shot block & steal and my PF goes up to 109.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Boomer is the best in terms of type of boost but surprisingly with Boomer some of my players remain at 108. I switched to the NBA defensive team with shot block & steal and my PF goes up to 109.
Yeah I didn't mean best for overall because every card has their likes for instance 106 PG prefers Stuff over Boomer because his defensive stats are already really high same with 104 Gobert etc.


Pro 1
Nice alta.
I think I'm kd away from getting it.. but u never know..
Matching chemistry seems to be the toughest thing.
Hows ben play
Thanks 😊
Still too early to tell. Only tried a few games on Flashback to test Simmons 3s: no F&I of course but better than I expected. Missed 1st 3 shots. Then hit a bunch in a row. Considering FB difficulty I don’t think it’s a valid 3 option for SD or LvL.
Too early to say anything on Def and stealing
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