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109 lineup thread


Rookie 3
Thanks T TomH . Looks like i have to sell my giannis and get malone for pf and keep on grinding to get my 2nd master and 107 carter. Hope those will be enough. Wondering though if 106 howard or 106 embiid will work as C together with the admiral.


All-Star 1
THanks for doing this. It's a big help to the community.

Curious what other PG options you currently have available for this lineup? Assuming you don't have max Baylor since you have max Bradley? I don't think I have enough time left to get the light years for Paul but I could always buy him (even though his cards have been less than stellar in game). Also, do you still have Def PF Finals MVP Durant? Wondering if switching CP3 for Baylor and FMVP Durant for Malone is enough with this lineup? If not, I was thinking The Admiral for Embiid/Howard might work in that situation and still maintain 5 DEF players for Boomer boost. I also just realized you're using the double boost Embiid so that could be a factor for me as well.


All-Star 3
Damn .. cant use any of these lineups..
double boost curry or triple boost golden ticket seems to be the key..
thanks tom for the help...


Pro 2
THanks for doing this. It's a big help to the community.

Curious what other PG options you currently have available for this lineup? Assuming you don't have max Baylor since you have max Bradley? I don't think I have enough time left to get the light years for Paul but I could always buy him (even though his cards have been less than stellar in game). Also, do you still have Def PF Finals MVP Durant? Wondering if switching CP3 for Baylor and FMVP Durant for Malone is enough with this lineup? If not, I was thinking The Admiral for Embiid/Howard might work in that situation and still maintain 5 DEF players for Boomer boost. I also just realized you're using the double boost Embiid so that could be a factor for me as well.

Neither works.


Rookie 1
Siakum also works at PF and boosts to 109 w Boomer, NBA Def, Jackson, Kerr, or Stuff....can't speak to the Balanced boosts as I don't have enough of that style to really know.


Rookie 1
T TomH is it possible to boost SD Fox to 109?

I'm still trying to decide whether to go Scal or Fox, but as PG is my only non-109 position I might go that way if I can get him there.



Rookie 1
Here's another (mine) option :

P.S. Embiid and Admiral are switchable. Also, doesn't matter if Boomer or Defensive team boost is used.


All-Star 3
Who else do you have at PG, SG and PF you can play with in terms of 109 lineups? Trying to avoid Marbury, Robertson, Allen and Kawhi! Haha...other than that I’m good! 😉

Do you have FMVP Durant or 107 or higher VC?
Nothing else works.. had to finally get rid of melo and tried marbury..
I'll have 107 carter in 1.5 days... I guess I can switch him for ray...
Dont have fmvp durant.. but I think he boosts similar to animated kawhi.
The centre defensive combination seems to be a major common thing ..
Then.. instead of Robertson, curry would work.
So u need a 107 pg to start... curry bench .. vince start.. and durant.. should be similar result


Rookie 1
I don't know yet, I just bought him today because he was the missing piece to get to 109 ovr. I'll tell you when I've played enough games with him :)


All-Star 1
Nothing else works.. had to finally get rid of melo and tried marbury..
I'll have 107 carter in 1.5 days... I guess I can switch him for ray...
Dont have fmvp durant.. but I think he boosts similar to animated kawhi.
The centre defensive combination seems to be a major common thing ..
Then.. instead of Robertson, curry would work.
So u need a 107 pg to start... curry bench .. vince start.. and durant.. should be similar result
That's exactly what I have so the reason for my question.


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