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Next promo.. space jam 2 promo?


Pro 2
Got a make good from EA - 3 legend finale tokens. I was only owed 1. Nabbed 108 Duncan. Still waiting on record breaker Hakeem.

This has to be the most messed up day this year. Must have the summer interns coding and doing the deploy.
Honestly the only one I would like at this point, because clearly I’m just getting one, is Laimbeer.
If they made it that tough for you its impossible for us mere mortals. Pretty disappointing day for me. No way of getting any 107 master anytime soon, they owed me 3 finale tokens but only received one! At least they gave me my missing GOTY tokens but hours later when 107 prices plummeted so I can't even make the profit I was expecting.


Pro 2
I think it was 45K, and 150 nba cash....they did up the quantity in the pack from 5 to 7 tokens....but still pointless with those horrible odds....easier to snipe plats.
And I refuse two pay nba cash for those packs. Always been able to complete the sets with inventory and rep point packs. I’ll complete Laimbeer or Fox. I have 2 “giving you the finger” tokens, one is waiting 24 hour cool down for platinum card exchange, and one at Legend (I’m told). Still one short. Blows my mind even tho I’ve calmed down.

I’m told the B Side 108 Hakeem is “postponed.” Glad I bought 150 tokens late last night. smh


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