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Easter Egg Tasks

I got Fareed but wasn't playing season's. I believe I was playing a SD match or a event when it popped up. Also what do these eggs do? Do we get a reward when we get all of them?


Rookie 3
I got Fareed but wasn't playing season's. I believe I was playing a SD match or a event when it popped up. Also what do these eggs do? Do we get a reward when we get all of them?
Probably just a counter for us to know that there are still more rabbits to pop up that will try to lure us in spending money.


All-Star 1
I got Fareed but wasn't playing season's. I believe I was playing a SD match or a event when it popped up. Also what do these eggs do? Do we get a reward when we get all of them?

That's why I don't get why ppl seem super into getting these eggs. We don't get ANYTHING good. Get every single egg and you get the Rabbit boost card and a Spring Court. Rabbit only give +4 Speed boost to team (????) and court gives coin boost and +2 Contested Shot (another ?????). Gold coaches have better boost than the stupid Rabbit. And why are they still giving 5% coin boosts? It's so trivial the whole player base should boycott the game over that alone..... sheesh
You get the red egg from winning X number of blitz events. I think it's around 25. You can get it grinding any of the blitzes.

As for the season mode egg, people have been getting it after quarter wins, so I don't think it has anything to do with the number of games won. It must be some other achievement like points scored.


Rookie 2
You get the red egg from winning X number of blitz events. I think it's around 25. You can get it grinding any of the blitzes.

As for the season mode egg, people have been getting it after quarter wins, so I don't think it has anything to do with the number of games won. It must be some other achievement like points scored.
Yep. I got it after 3Q of my game. So either it's number of quarters or other metrics like score
It is possible that the season mode egg isn't related to season mode per se and that people have simply been achieving it while playing seasons because of the carrot rewards. I have heard of people getting it in two quarters and others not having it after 15 games.


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