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Easter Egg Tasks


Rookie 3
It seems that those bob pop up are random or different per player. I have 2 accounts, got the first by purchasing the 5th baby carrot pack (coin pack in the store) but nothing appear on my other account. Maybe just got hyped but will see on my next one.


Rookie 1
Found 1 after
* finishing 5 assist on monthly master obj
* scoring 21 points in showdown on monthly master obj
* win 2 showdown games, daily obj
Not sure which one trigger the egg

Here is the screenshot on my campaign page


Rookie 1
Can someone explain to me why it keeps saying I have an unclaimed spring reward. But it never lets me receive it or see what it is.


Rookie 1
Where does it say that? Might be a bug...
Where the objective marker comes up for when you complete a daily obj. Or mm obj. It’s that but it says unclaimed spring rewards go open them. But there is nothing anywhere to open it.


Pro 1
Hating this campaign, specially this hidden eggs thing.

The "1 shot option" to spend cash is terrible and makes me feel like I'm being scammed. Will reject everything out of principle.


Rookie 1
Hating this campaign, specially this hidden eggs thing.

The "1 shot option" to spend cash is terrible and makes me feel like I'm being scammed. Will reject everything out of principle.
Agreed. Tbh, the hidden eggs part makes this campaign better than POG, and it has way better milestone rewards. I really hate the p2w aspect too.


Rookie 1
Pretty sure i've won more than five season games (all autoplay)....still no egg and faried
Hey guys!

A buddy of mine and I were talking on the NBALM discord about collecting together data about the locations/tasks to obtain each egg. Would be great if I could get feedback from y'all(when the promo starts) about what tasks are confirmed to unlock which egg(s). I'll edit the thread along the way as new eggs are confirmed. This way, everyone would be able to enjoy the full benefits of the elite boost players asap! :)

Please tell me what task you did to get which egg(which row, which column).
Numbering goes from left-most egg to right.

Hidden Events:
  1. Egg 1:?
  2. Egg 2:?
  3. Egg 3:?
  4. Egg 4: Monthly Master Tab in Campaigns
  5. Egg 5:?
Challenge Objectives:
  1. Egg 1:?
  2. Egg 2:?
  3. Egg 3: Win 4-5 season games(not quarters!), reward: 86 Kenneth Faried
  4. Egg 4: Complete a daily obj or play 2 NBA Today events(not sure which)
  5. Egg 5:?
Event Progress:
  1. Egg 1: Reach Milestone 4
  2. Egg 2: Reach Milestone 7, rewards 84 Kelly Oubre
  3. Egg 3:?
  4. Egg 4:?
  5. Egg 5:?


Rookie 3
Yep, I've completed 6 season gms, and still nothing... I wonder if there are slightly random rewards for slightly different achievements/ goals..


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