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Easter Egg Tasks


Rookie 1
Hey guys!

A buddy of mine and I were talking on the NBALM discord about collecting together data about the locations/tasks to obtain each egg. Would be great if I could get feedback from y'all(when the promo starts) about what tasks are confirmed to unlock which egg(s). I'll edit the thread along the way as new eggs are confirmed. This way, everyone would be able to enjoy the full benefits of the elite boost players asap! :)

Please tell me what task you did to get which egg(which row, which column).
Numbering goes from left-most egg to right.

Hidden Events:
  1. Egg 1: Play 2 Egg Events
  2. Egg 2: Play 25 total blitz events
  3. Egg 3: Play 4 Egg Events
  4. Egg 4: Play 50 total blitz events
  5. Egg 5: Complete egg 1-4
Challenge Objectives:
  1. Egg 1: Score 15 points in one quarter(activated april 24)
  2. Egg 2: Perform 3 alley-oops in any game mode
  3. Egg 3: Perform 30 spinmoves/crossovers, reward: 86 Kenneth Faried(not sure what exact task is)...
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I cut out the part about the links to other sources for material we have here because it hurts us when people promote other platforms directly like that and have people tell others to go there it would be different if there was proof of those platforms promoting us as well with no repercussions but that's not the case and instead people have been banned from those platforms for promoting us

TLDR: you can share material and even links from other sources but I ask that you don't try to recruit people to go there in the process since I haven't seen any proof of people promoting us and not having punishments put on them for doing so


Rookie 1
I cut out the part about the links to other sources for material we have here because it hurts us when people promote other platforms directly like that and have people tell others to go there it would be different if there was proof of those platforms promoting us as well with no repercussions but that's not the case and instead people have been banned from those platforms for promoting us

TLDR: you can share material and even links from other sources but I ask that you don't try to recruit people to go there in the process since I haven't seen any proof of people promoting us and not having punishments put on them for doing so

My apologies about the violation. This is the first thread I've started on this website, so I'm unfamiliar with the rules. Thank you for the edits :)

Edit: Would it be alright if I left the links at the bottom of the post sort of like a reference point, in case anyone is interested, without actively recruiting people to go there?
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
My apologies about the violation. This is the first thread I've started on this website, so I'm unfamiliar with the rules. Thank you for the edits :)
Oh it's not really a violation because there is no punishment for it I just brought it up because I think it's fair game but I'm thankful that you took it so well because I kind of expected a backlash because of it


Rookie 1
Oh it's not really a violation because there is no punishment for it I just brought it up because I think it's fair game but I'm thankful that you took it so well because I kind of expected a backlash because of it

So can I still leave links at the bottom of the post without actively pushing anyone to visit them? In case anyone is interested?


Rookie 1
Can we just post it here?
Post what here? You mean the egg tasks? I'm just editing the first post for organizational purposes, so that way, it'll be much easier for people to find stuff. But if u want, go ahead and post it! :)


Pro 1
There’s an event at the Horry campaign screen.
Did it and it didn’t light up any eggs on the Spring campaign.

I feel totally clueless on this one. Not fun.


Rookie 1
ive don't the MM tab in campaigns but the egg doesn't light up in the campaign map
anyone else getting the same?


Rookie 3
1. Daily objectives
2. Monthly master objectives
3. Hidden event in master campaign
4. I think was simply by getting to 8k, elite pack


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