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NBA Resolutions promo


Rookie 1
Guys, what?s the best tactics for these 95s?

I have 5.3m saved up. So not sure if I should go for it or grind them out?? Any ideas??

Do I get the three 83-87 from store? Snipe the 75-79 golds to get the 83-87? Buy the 83-87 to get 88-92?

Just may as well use all your wisdom, before I do it the long way, and the mrs already says I?m glued to the phone so need to make it easier a bit
For those who want to sell the masters, snipping golds & elites from the AH is the best option. For me, I will grind the promo since I want the masters for my lineup. If I need help I will buy some golds by the end of the promo. The prices will go down while the promo advances


All-Star 3
For those who want to sell the masters, snipping golds & elites from the AH is the best option. For me, I will grind the promo since I want the masters for my lineup. If I need help I will buy some golds by the end of the promo. The prices will go down while the promo advances


Rookie 1
Re: Next promo starting tomorrow - NBA resolutions

84 PF J. Randle def

83 PG D. Melton def

85 C J. Allen bal

83 SG M. Brogdon sht

88 PG D. Smith Jr bal

87 PG C. Sexton sht

84 SF K. Anderson bal

91 C M. Turner def

87 SG B. Ingram bal

90 PF A. Gordon bal

89 PFJ. Tatum sht

86 PF K. Knox def

85 C W. Carter Jr sht

(from watching YouTube pack openings)
92 SG Andrew WIGGINS def


All-Star 3


All-Star 1
Looks very grindable..
and if u have lot of coin stored up u can get the 95s in no time
what is your strategy for next promo?
doncic, hield, jokic?
Jokic first. Still finishing malone. Will sell him. Then jokic. Then doncic..
Ouch, how much do you expect to get for Malone now?! Might be better off using stamina on the new promo to capitalize early. At least this way you get to keep a 93 in the process.


Rookie 3
Staff member
I've got Hield 95 he plays great, will sell him though. Building Jokic now and have Gordon 90 up for sale as well as 93 Fox.

Just pulled 89 Tatum and will probably use him for Jokic.


All-Star 3
what is your strategy for next promo?
doncic, hield, jokic?
Jokic first. Still finishing malone. Will sell him. Then jokic. Then doncic..
Ouch, how much do you expect to get for Malone now?! Might be better off using stamina on the new promo to capitalize early. At least this way you get to keep a 93 in the process.

I guess 1 -1.3 mill.. Not that worried abt this promo. Slow and steady


Rookie 1
What I'm doing right now is putting every gold player into the elite set and if I get a high overall I sell it and buy a lower ovr player(like brogdon), is this a good method and should I keep doing it?


Rookie 2
I am going for Luka because I still only have Pippen 87 fireworks as my starter in the shooting line up, with a 84 over Ariza on bench.

Having Luka at 89 will bring up my S line up to an overall 88, which would be great!
I am straight grinding the promo. With the ads, there is no need for me to buy elites. I'll only buy some elites if I want to finish off the 95s without grinding. With the way the promos are going, these masters will soon be replaced so there's no point spending coins on them.


All-Star 3
I am straight grinding the promo. With the ads, there is no need for me to buy elites. I'll only buy some elites if I want to finish off the 95s without grinding. With the way the promos are going, these masters will soon be replaced so there's no point spending coins on them.

You think its possible to grind for all tbe masters?


Rookie 1
it's impossible to seel GOLD AND ELITES from this promo...ggrrrrrhh
EA is not allowing any gold > 10k and impossible to sell an elite for more than 150k.

I guess i'll just grind 1 or 2 Masters....pffff.

This is clearly the downside of these promos : hard to make coins for F2P players :-(


All-Star 3
I am straight grinding the promo. With the ads, there is no need for me to buy elites. I'll only buy some elites if I want to finish off the 95s without grinding. With the way the promos are going, these masters will soon be replaced so there's no point spending coins on them.

You think its possible to grind for all the masters?
Edit: i think u can get abt 175-200 accolade tokens/day with a good amount of grinding (100-125 with moderate grinding). Each master i think requires 715 tokens.. so 2 masters seems possible comfortably, maybe even 3. 5 is going to be next to impossible without the AH or store as u need abt 400 tokens /day for that.


Rookie 2
I'm just selling the golds.
Making about 290K a day.
I'll buy the bet players once the prom ends & keep the change


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