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The Legends program looks a wee bit boring

It's just test server stuff but the Legends program didn't look terribly exciting. I honestly think last season's Ultimate Legends were better. The tokens look ugly and they've gone the early season 2 route of having the best card in the store. Maybe I'll change my mind when they drop a Legend I'm interested in but it's always the same players year after year.


Rookie 1
Got no love for any of those players, so best strategy is to grind for wild cards until a more interesting one drops?


Rookie 1
Commondjapan - I agree basically.

It beats the Halloween promo however, which I have had almost zero interest in because I?m not interested in either the heros or the master.

Those three legends I have little interest in, but I?m hoping for a Chris Bosh and Allen Iverson card soon!!!


All-Star 1
It looks the same to me. Not much difference.

Agree with you bruh with the non-repeatable events, it will take some time for us F2P players to finish this event unless we'll buy thru store.
The blitz event is repeatable. Im just playing that and turning blitz badges into wildcards. The stamina requirements are ridiculous though, but i guess thats why they increased our stamina.
Not a huge fan of the new layout. Since I didn?t watch the preview of the Legends event, I didn?t even know there was a wildcard blitz event! When you enter the Legend event for Tiny you have to scroll to the left for the Blitz event as it?s the first event listed. Probably would?ve missed the first round without your post so thanks for that!


All-Star 1
Blitz is to the right once you open Legends tab, for me at least
Legends tab? Is there more than one way to get to the events? When I open Daily Beats and go to Legends the only thing there is the 3 player events. I have to go to one of them to get to the actual events. Haven?t another way in yet. Like I said, not a fan of this new layout. I?d prefer to see ALL active events on one screen so I make sure to play the first wins.
Blitz is to the right once you open Legends tab, for me at least
Legends tab? Is there more than one way to get to the events? When I open Daily Beats and go to Legends the only thing there is the 3 player events. I have to go to one of them to get to the actual events. Haven?t another way in yet. Like I said, not a fan of this new layout. I?d prefer to see ALL active events on one screen so I make sure to play the first wins.

Daily beats-->Legends> drag finger so screen moves to right and you should see them. Kind of like navigating the TO campaign, or that Ingram event. It exists but you gotta scroll lol


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