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The Legends program looks a wee bit boring


Pro 1
It all seems to be going according to EA?s plan. After 2 promos good for f2p players (tip-off + halloween) where a lot of ppl managed to do a lot of upgrading to their squads, here comes a promo which, for now, is aimed at p2p players.
I find this to be a decent balance between the 2 (which need to coexist) and keeps me (mostly f2p) interested in the game.

After a shaky start i think this game is back on the right track.
Not really. Promos used to have a different structure where BOTH f2p and p2p could get something out of it. Alternating between a f2p and strictly p2p promos leaves grinders left out for weeks waiting for the next grindable promo. Also there is a difference between promos and programs and programs like legends, totw etc were always grindable, always, not anymore. So now both programs and promos are essentially p2p leaving f2p players waiting for the next grindable promo or program. This doesn't add any balance to the game like you've suggested, in fact I believe it does the opposite.

I used to be able to complete at least 1-2 legends a week, now unless I spend at least $20-100 a week I would have to wait over 2 months before I can claim one legend. Programs should always remain grindable while with promos they can alternate between f2p and p2p, I wouldn't mind that.

Thanks for clarifying the promo/program thing... I allways mix those 2. I don?t usually make a distintion between them (but understand the difference).

Forget about this Legends program for now. Unless you?re willing to spend real money you?re not going to get all. If you save wildcards, you may get one every now and then (someone mentioned 8 weeks). And that?s fine with me. In fact so far every f2p player has been able to get the same cards (no choice involved) so this should make lineups a little more mixed (instead of the same starting 5 among a lot of f2p players).


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