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What are your 2019 NBA Finals (Raptors vs Warriors) predictions?

Who do you think will win the 2019 NBA Finals?

  • Golden State Warriors

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • Toronto Raptors

    Votes: 12 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Rookie 1
Staff member
Where did you see that KD wanted to play? The announcers were talking about how KD was pressured into playing as far as I know

I didn't hear or see that part. Then I suppose management going to have to help him through this injury since it's on them then.


Rookie 1
Staff member
That's why I am not sure about your assertion about the best team that wins, not entitled though.

A lot of folks be playing hard to win so my point was: if the Raps the better team, then let them win it. I'm just saying no one is entitled to anything until they win is all. Same goes for the GSW, they are not entitled to a win even if they won in the past.


Rookie 3

KD has just left the Scotiabank arena on clutches, wearing a walking boot.

This 2nd tear/muscle pull is serious....
That's sad man if kd would have played in remaining games there was a great chance of a comeback easily but it can still be done


Rookie 1
Staff member
Even if GSW had a fighting chance, they can't make a come back within another game. It's just not possible with this many injuries.

I'll be the first to say congratulations to the Raps!


Rookie 1
Staff member
Its morning over in Asia now, and I bloody can't work in the office. I can't concentrate. bloody heck. o_O😂

I'm here 20 mins away from Oakland. I'm waiting to see if my friends post up the rioting waiting to happen in our area. Folks be too serious about this...


Rookie 2
Dubs still fighting hard. I appreciate that they ain't gonna give up even shorthanded as they are.

As I predicted, it will be a narrow win...Raps must fight to the end if they want to get the finalised win.


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