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Vote Boosters


Rookie 1
Are the store booster packs only going to feature Carter and Doncic, or will there be other players in the future? Thanks!


Rookie 1
We need a 84 OVR lineup to unlock the first master. With 125K Votes we get only 20 tokens. These are not enough tokens with the current players to reach 84OVR. So there must be more players in the near future.


All-Star 3
We need a 84 OVR lineup to unlock the first master. With 125K Votes we get only 20 tokens. These are not enough tokens with the current players to reach 84OVR. So there must be more players in the near future.

2 86 - 2 tokens
2 90 - 4 tokens
2 93 - 10 tokens
Total 16 tokens
86 + 86 + 90 + 90+ 93 +93 +82 + 75 +75+75=84.5.
U dont need more tokens to get 1 captain
We need a 84 OVR lineup to unlock the first master. With 125K Votes we get only 20 tokens. These are not enough tokens with the current players to reach 84OVR. So there must be more players in the near future.

You only need 16 tokens to reach 84 ovr

Edit: just saw anatdoc explained this more detailed already


All-Star 3
I guess avoid getting the 95 as that will ruin the calculation.
Depends on how much ur able/want to grind.. 125k gets u a captain... but after that if u want to get a 95 u need to grind to 250/300k
If u claim a 95 first, then u need to grind to 170k to get a captain..


Rookie 3
@anatdoc, Yeah, the calculation is only at 125k mark and if you don?t think you will get past that, following the player order you listed is safer. If they will bring more to this promo later on then maybe that?s the time i will worry on getting 95.


Rookie 1
Saw from Reddit, someone shared about this

In order to arrive 84Ovr All Star Lineup,
Least amount of all star votes: Both 86s, both 90s, and both 93s (125k votes needed)

But if you can get to 170k all star votes (should be easy): Both 86s, both 90s, one 93 and one 95


Rookie 3
after 46hrs im @ 36k votes, so easiy 15-17k votes daily just by using stamina (no cash)

125k should be easily attainable


Rookie 3
I have no issue burning all of my day stamina, and i am working. Maybe depends on your schedule. If you can spare 15 min of your time every 5 to 6 hours then i think you will have no issue.


Rookie 1
I have no issue burning all of my day stamina, and i am working. Maybe depends on your schedule. If you can spare 15 min of your time every 5 to 6 hours then i think you will have no issue.

i spent whole day autoplaying seasons (and not to mention sometimes i'm too focused on work and forgot about starting next quarter...)
how do you manage to grind just spending 15 mins every 5-6 hrs?
have i missed out ath :roll:


All-Star 3
I have no issue burning all of my day stamina, and i am working. Maybe depends on your schedule. If you can spare 15 min of your time every 5 to 6 hours then i think you will have no issue.

i spent whole day autoplaying seasons (and not to mention sometimes i'm too focused on work and forgot about starting next quarter...)
how do you manage to grind just spending 15 mins every 5-6 hrs?
have i missed out ath :roll:

If u play the blitz events only...


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