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Using 82 Elevates as training??? Opinions


All-Star 3
Any different between 70 & 82 elevate players after we maxed to 88?

Yes a big difference the 70s have better primary stats and the 82s have better (in some cases way better) secondary stats

what is primary stats and secondary stats?
is the later one more important?
Primary stats are what u see immediately..
Secondary are what u see after clicking view more
I guess there are people who believe both sets of stats are important.. but generally we tend to give importance to secondary stats


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Any different between 70 & 82 elevate players after we maxed to 88?

Yes a big difference the 70s have better primary stats and the 82s have better (in some cases way better) secondary stats

what is primary stats and secondary stats?
is the later one more important?

Primary stats are the 6 stats you see when you click on on a card and secondary stats are the 16 stats you see when you open up the detailed view and in my experience I'd say primary is more important for AI and secondary is more important for manual


Rookie 1
Yes a big difference the 70s have better primary stats and the 82s have better (in some cases way better) secondary stats

what is primary stats and secondary stats?
is the later one more important?

Primary stats are the 6 stats you see when you click on on a card and secondary stats are the 16 stats you see when you open up the detailed view and in my experience I'd say primary is more important for AI and secondary is more important for manual

Agree with all of this. I'll add that you can kind of determine what some of the hidden stats are by the difference in primary and secondary stats. E.g., if a player has a low rebounding rating in his primary stats in comparison to his secondary ratings for defensive and offensive rebounding, that means he likely has a low box-out rating. Hassan Whiteside is a good example.


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