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Using 82 Elevates as training??? Opinions


Rookie 2
Since I am basically done with the promo at this point I am using Hayward and Butler and these lucky 82 pulls as 16,000 training points for my Westbrook and Griffin cards.

Pros: It takes so damn long to elevate an 82 to a level that would help me (88) and I'd rather spend the time having my two players above at the highest level possible for overall ranking. I also seem to think that soon cards that are under 90 will be much less valuable so by the time I get them to 88 or higher if it is possible, there will be better regular cards 88+. Also you cannot sell them.

Cons: It is leveling up 1.6 points. So you are not making major dents in your overall. Also I could use them as players on my alt lineups like defensive or balanced. If these lineups become important I am giving away elites that can be upgraded.

What are you guys doing with your good elevate pulls or what is the right move from the outside looking in.


Rookie 1
so far i've pulled Wesbrook, 2 Griffins, Butler and Hayward. I maxed Hayward cuz his stats are OP. I used Wesbrook and 1 griffin to train him. Im keeping the other Griffin and Butler for now, although I may use Butler for training if I can pull Whiteside. If not ill use him to train my Griffin.

The way I see it is if I already have good players in that position (for me I already have 90 Curry at PG and 88 Hayward at SG), I will use them as training points.

Griffin and if I pull Whiteside would be my starting PF and C.

The way I see it is they may not level up your overall that much, but they are great to play with and their secondary stats are great.


All-Star 1
Idk why anyone wouldnt have their NBA bench full of elevates maxed out(including Halloween Ingram). That's 88s across the board if you can get them there. Also hugely helpful getting your Game play lineups boosted bc they'll be important soon.

I chose to max 82 Whiteside and Hayward with extra 82s and will do the same Griffin bc his 82 card is pretty good. I have 90 Duncan but I can see putting Griffin at starter once the Elevates go 90+. I used extras of Butler & WB for TP bc I have the free ones at 85 & don't plan on using them as starters at any point due to stat limitations.

So get as many BF elevate packs as you can to try & get extra 82s for TP......stack your bench


Rookie 2
I hear what you are saying dub. My issue with it is that many players that would make my bench would only be 1 point above my current bench. For example, I am an 88 OVR and 87 Lou Williams is my backup to 90 Kris Middleton.

So why would I spend all this stamina and time on getting a Hayward that won't start for me up to 88 unless the other alt lineups matter? 88s may be obsolete for my lineup by new years if some elites become 89. Rather I figured it would be a good idea to train the guys who will remain on my bench and who need less points ot max out. I had Russ and Blake at 85 bf the promo for 3 levels each isn't a horrible effort.

But that is why I always like hearing different opinions.


Rookie 1
I hear what you are saying dub. My issue with it is that many players that would make my bench would only be 1 point above my current bench. For example, I am an 88 OVR and 87 Lou Williams is my backup to 90 Kris Middleton.

So why would I spend all this stamina and time on getting a Hayward that won't start for me up to 88 unless the other alt lineups matter? 88s may be obsolete for my lineup by new years if some elites become 89. Rather I figured it would be a good idea to train the guys who will remain on my bench and who need less points ot max out. I had Russ and Blake at 85 bf the promo for 3 levels each isn't a horrible effort.

But that is why I always like hearing different opinions.

Yeah thats true, but when Lou's boost ends he'll be 81. But it does take a lot of coins to train them, so maybe for you its better to wait for the Winter Promo. Like I said in league chat, Hayward is starting for me over my 88 Oladipo cuz his stats are so much better and I feel like he plays better, so for me that was worth it. I'm tempted to train my Store Griffin to 88 even though I have an 84 free Griffin cuz his stats are better, but waiting on it to see if I can pull a Whiteside.
Right now, on my main I am concentrating on maxing out the 82 Hayward and Whiteside. On my alt, I am working on the 82 Hayward and the regular Griffin because he is still in my NBA lineup.

Eventually, I hope to elevate most of them but it depends on how future pulls play out. The big drawcard for me is that they will continue to raise the cap.
I hear what you are saying dub. My issue with it is that many players that would make my bench would only be 1 point above my current bench. For example, I am an 88 OVR and 87 Lou Williams is my backup to 90 Kris Middleton.

So why would I spend all this stamina and time on getting a Hayward that won't start for me up to 88 unless the other alt lineups matter? 88s may be obsolete for my lineup by new years if some elites become 89. Rather I figured it would be a good idea to train the guys who will remain on my bench and who need less points ot max out. I had Russ and Blake at 85 bf the promo for 3 levels each isn't a horrible effort.

But that is why I always like hearing different opinions.

The advantage of having the 88 Hayward on your bench is that you don?t need to go after any new 89 OVR SGs and can instead concentrate on another position. The next time they raise the cap, Hayward will be levelable to a 90 or 91 which in the long run is better than an 89 which quickly loses its value.

Plus right now, the 88 Hayward has the.stats to start over most 90 SGs.


Rookie 1
Right now, on my main I am concentrating on maxing out the 82 Hayward and Whiteside. On my alt, I am working on the 82 Hayward and the regular Griffin because he is still in my NBA lineup.

Eventually, I hope to elevate most of them but it depends on how future pulls play out. The big drawcard for me is that they will continue to raise the cap.

Do you think or know if theres a big difference between regular and store Griffin when maxed out?


All-Star 1
There's a pretty decent stat differential. Pack cards are far better for secondary stats. But I believe the primary stats are much better on the free cards.

The reason I would want the elevates on my bench is threefold.

Even if they're only 1 pt better than what you've got, across all 5 positions....that's halfway to another team OVR point up. Every point matters if you want the best OVR to compete.

They'll keep raising the cap, meaning that these cards won't be irrelevant like everything else. So they'll at least be great for your bench all season long keeping you competitive as long as you can continue to max them out

Lastly, it's cheaper to train them than it is to buy a card with a comparable OVR and it allows you to sell anything you grind or pull that would otherwise go to that bench spot.
I am not sure about the maxed stats for either Griffin. I can tell you that the regular 87 Griffin has better looking stats than Hallloween Davis.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You're making a huge mistake if you get rid of Hayward he is by far the best SG in the game no matter the overall you mentioned having a temporarily boosted Lou Will and Oladipo but he slaughters both of them so if I was you I would max Hayward and sell Oladipo in a heartbeat it is worth it to max the 82s definitely but I'm the priority list to keep for everyone should be
1. Hayward
2. Whiteside
3. Ingram (no 82 for Ingram but the free one is great)
4. Griffin
5. Butler
6. Westbrook


Rookie 3
Staff member
I've got Hayward maxed out, I've got Whiteside maxed out and my Ingram is on 82 atm but I will max him out also.

All 3 play great.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Has anyone seen a all 88 elevate team in SD.. that would be cool

I've seen it but not in SD they use 3 of their 5 88s on the bench but they put it in their starting lineup just to show them off but i personally have 88 Hayward, 88 Ingram, and 88 Whiteside on my main with the same 3 on my alt


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All-Star 3
Has anyone seen a all 88 elevate team in SD.. that would be cool

I've seen it but not in SD they use 3 of their 5 88s on the bench but they put it in their starting lineup just to show them off but i personally have 88 Hayward, 88 Ingram, and 88 Whiteside on my main with the same 3 on my alt

Man wanted to c that danny green.. sad they are back to non auctionable..


Rookie 1
i just noticed today that i no longer can train my 82 elevate Griffin with other 82 elevate players. has anyone else run into this problem? this has to be a new bug since i used to be able to train my 82 Hayward with other 82 elevate players picked up through the BF set.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
i just noticed today that i no longer can train my 82 elevate Griffin with other 82 elevate players. has anyone else run into this problem? this has to be a new bug since i used to be able to train my 82 Hayward with other 82 elevate players picked up through the BF set.

What player are you trying to train because when I was maxing my Ingram I couldn't train him with Griffin who came out before Ingram but I could train him with spare Hayward cards which came out after Ingram


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