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Top 100 Promo: Release 4


Pro 2
They obviously can't even navigate changing the card boosts without issues. I don't know how they could be so inept yet be so focused on ways to control us. I mean, this whole issue seems like a Drunken Conversation anyways. The GOAT boosts were never giving us Platinum level boost. The Elite boost on ASW Curry and Simons is more powerful than LBJ, Giannis, KD, and even Walton.

So I'm not sure why they would come out and talk about it, let alone even think about it in the first place. We, the customers, should've been pissed about the boost not being strong enough to begin with. But because the entirety of the S5 boost ecosystem is so confusing and unexplained, they got a pass on the issue. And even if there was a screwup and the boosts were stronger than intended......it's hardly a game breaker. I can't see any reason to screw with it when those cards will be replaced in a few weeks. They're hardly "Best of Season" cards and nobody would remember them beyond this Season. It just all feels like the same bumbling, unorganized, reactive NBALM that is vets have come to know too well.
They don’t understand the source code. That much is admitted. But I can’t believe giving us an unlimited coin pack promo followed 4 days later by raising the floors in the ah is a coincidence. They felt we had too many coins. I had 20mil legit - no coin sellers. So they effectively stripped them from us.


All-Star 1
They don’t understand the source code. That much is admitted. But I can’t believe giving us an unlimited coin pack promo followed 4 days later by raising the floors in the ah is a coincidence. They felt we had too many coins. I had 20mil legit - no coin sellers. So they effectively stripped them from us.
I'm sure there's truth to that. I've got 30 mil and spending aside, I haven't put any effort into making coin this season. I'm sure they see that everyone is a bit heavy in their bank


Pro 2
I'm sure there's truth to that. I've got 30 mil and spending aside, I haven't put any effort into making coin this season. I'm sure they see that everyone is a bit heavy in their bank
I was at 20 before the AS promo. That about wiped me out. But Ive scratched back up to 15 and that was no easy task. It’s like those cards that were supposed to get me to 15-20 just disappeared.


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