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The cost of training Embiid is potentially mind blowing.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I think every level increases the training cost by 10k coins. Level 4 costs 40k coins and so i assume Level 5 will cost 50k coins and so forth. Thus to train up to Level 8, it will take around 350k coins? Maybe I'm wrong but I'm sure the stats and coins put in will be better than any elite C cards.

Well as an 80 overall (to better compare to other 80 overall C's) he has a max of 1205 combined secondary stats (probably less because his 78 has +3 in 12 of the the 16 secondary stats and only +2 in the other 4 spots) while Cousins has 1208 and Davis has 1227 but as an 82 compared to 80s he'll have better stats for sure
I went from 76 to 78 which cost 70K for a total of 95K so far. I feel like I wasted 95K so far because I dont use him except for open 3's which he made at a 75. Really was anxious to drop that 70K too because I thought it'd be enough to push me to 79, from 78 but no luck.


Rookie 1
High training cost is one problem but more importantly it takes 75 days for being able to reach 82 ovr. Who needs a 82 ovr card after 2.5 months when already after two weeks 83 ovr and soon 85 ovr cards are available?!


Rookie 1
I updated him one level but he sucks compare to whatever else is out there. I don?t think this card is worth it if it maxes out at 80s. At least last season dirk when pretty high and he was actually good.
I updated him one level but he sucks compare to whatever else is out there. I don?t think this card is worth it if it maxes out at 80s. At least last season dirk when pretty high and he was actually good.

uhmm, 78 Embiid is already tons better (manual & ai) than 78 Dirk last year.
I updated him one level but he sucks compare to whatever else is out there. I don?t think this card is worth it if it maxes out at 80s. At least last season dirk when pretty high and he was actually good.

The plan is for him to be upgradable throughout the season.
I recall Brian saying they would consider changing the costs (yes please) but I think they should swap the sets and challenge requirements and maybe even put challenges AFTER the 80 OVR requirement. Most have already done a hundred sets, well if you did that damned rookie campaign at least. 1000 challenges though? Those are live events for those unaware. That's a tough reach when we really aren't getting many new events since it only counts for the first win.


Rookie 2
I already have the 80 over Embiid when I entered into S3 earlier this mth so actually I didn't need to waste money on training.

I stupidly did so 2 weeks ago though and I realised the expensive way on how idiotic I was. So now I haven't done anything beyond 76 over for the 2nd card. With my base Embiid, season mover Shaq and Ayton rookie, my #5 is well covered.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
At least it will be free to train Embiid now like it should have always been


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All-Star 1
That's a nice move on their end. I'll prob use Embiid again later on when he's trained up to the mid 80s & better than whomever I have in my lineup


Rookie 1
if you havent learnt from last season... u save that type of stuff for later.. but anywhos ;)

I'd normally stash them up until i run out of space but given its so early in the game, i hope its some time before they release sets that let u dump random collectibles into it.


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