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Stockton record breaker- where is he?!?


Rookie 2
Was just a bit short of finishing him 17 needed to finish lvl 9 and I'm guessing 35 more for lvl 10.he will be 102 overall so he will be on my team for a bit
Totally how many tokens?
Levelling up is free?
How much did u buy the tokens for

Also u can use the store 92 elevate(including trained ones to train up stockton to 101)

Dang, but I have trained up Brodie to lv 95 starter on my (S) line up 2 mths ago. Seems like a waste to use him to train up Stockton....

I don't have any more 92 elevate cards beyond Brodie. I'd love it if EA allows us to use the Covington, Hayward & Whiteside ones that started from lv 70. :p


All-Star 3
Was just a bit short of finishing him 17 needed to finish lvl 9 and I'm guessing 35 more for lvl 10.he will be 102 overall so he will be on my team for a bit
Totally how many tokens?
Levelling up is free?
How much did u buy the tokens for

Also u can use the store 92 elevate(including trained ones to train up stockton to 101)

Thanks. Are those tokens needed per level?


Rookie 2
I went to the store and got 92 jimmy butler on the 3rd try.
Leveled up Stockton to 102 (101 + 1 boosted), no extra coins required.
Not bad for 1500 hard earned cash!


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Yeah thanks to bigballer I used my 95 Whiteside on Stockton earlier today and he is great plus unlike a lot of newer PGs his sprinting isn't broken while he plays slower at full sprint than the ones with broken sprint when all at full speed he can at least do it all the time compared to just some of the time so it really adds up plus he shoots very well but that part could be attributed to new card syndrome
I went to the store and got 92 jimmy butler on the 3rd try.
Leveled up Stockton to 102 (101 + 1 boosted), no extra coins required.
Not bad for 1500 hard earned cash!
I only have 1k cash and was thinking of doing this but knowing my luck I won't be able to pull a 92 from 2 packs. But then again I'm due to pull an elite as I haven't pulled one in weeks from opening a ton of different packs. I wonder if I should just test my luck.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I went to the store and got 92 jimmy butler on the 3rd try.
Leveled up Stockton to 102 (101 + 1 boosted), no extra coins required.
Not bad for 1500 hard earned cash!
I only have 1k cash and was thinking of doing this but knowing my luck I won't be able to pull a 92 from 2 packs. But then again I'm due to pull an elite as I haven't pulled one in weeks from opening a ton of different packs. I wonder if I should just test my luck.

I would simply because not much is worth spending cash on in this game besides bob packs for cards that sell for max price and this Stockton costs well over twice as much as the max price for a card to build so if you were to pull an elevate pack card it would be like pulling 2 max price cards from a bob pack


Rookie 3
well i went the making coin route... threw stockton base (91) in my lineup... saw that the pass boost only affected one player..
threw 21 records in @ min 88k..
everything sold by this morning
picked up 99 white choc for 2.4m
here i have flexibility 2 sell white choc.. where stockton trained is bye bye
(lesson i learned from last season.. keep the lineup as flexible and sellable as possible)


All-Star 3
I went to the store and got 92 jimmy butler on the 3rd try.
Leveled up Stockton to 102 (101 + 1 boosted), no extra coins required.
Not bad for 1500 hard earned cash!
I only have 1k cash and was thinking of doing this but knowing my luck I won't be able to pull a 92 from 2 packs. But then again I'm due to pull an elite as I haven't pulled one in weeks from opening a ton of different packs. I wonder if I should just test my luck.

Spent 1k cash.. no dice.. really hope they upgrade the elevate players at some point


All-Star 3
well i went the making coin route... threw stockton base (91) in my lineup... saw that the pass boost only affected one player..
threw 21 records in @ min 88k..
everything sold by this morning
picked up 99 white choc for 2.4m
here i have flexibility 2 sell white choc.. where stockton trained is bye bye
(lesson i learned from last season.. keep the lineup as flexible and sellable as possible)
Ya went the same route .. didnt buy anyone yet as i had only 10 records and no pg was appealing to me..
Weirdly at this point other than for increasing ovr no players seem worth spending coin on..


Rookie 3
totally agree.. wasnt going 2 bother even trying 2 increase ovr for a few wks,
ai but our team is having no luck on LvL, so need 2 change the team up and get it 2 a 99 today with Pierce coming into the fray :)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
ah ok that?s why mine is a maxed whiteside
thx stewie as always

You're welcome but what Whiteside is it the level 14 (base 82), level 26 (base 70), or level 4 (base 92) I'm curious because if it's the 92 then it's confirmed that they closed the ability to use the 92 versions as training


Rookie 2
Discord people saying that there will be no more new record breaking players.
Can anyone confirm?
If so we better sell the tokens quickly


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