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Spaceball Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief

We are leaving Earth in this cosmic campaign and headed for outer space to save the stars and planets from aliens! Recruit your players from earth but watch out, the transporter isn’t perfect.

Play on constellations with your new Cosmic Lineup and earn Stardust tokens to restore your team. Once you pass Orion, recruit a Master and save his planet from aliens to earn his 107 OVR version!

Get help from the Outer Space Marketplace or the special Space Edition High Flyers available throughout the campaign!


Campaign Dates
Live Date: July 15, 2019

End Date: July 23, 2019


Campaign Map
  1. Teleport 10 players from Earth to be on your Cosmic Lineup. Start playing live events on the Cassiopeia constellation in order to get Stardust tokens and upgrade your lineup.
  2. You will need to...
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Sorry about the delay apparently it was put up 5 hours ago but when I checked around that time it didn't show up


Rookie 3
Can these be transferred over to the NBA team? And can players from the NBA team be transferred over to this?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Can these be transferred over to the NBA team? And can players from the NBA team be transferred over to this?
You can use these cards in the NBA lineup but like with all promo lineups you can't do the opposite


Pro 1
Can we use the new high flyers on the space lineup?
EDIT: no

What about that 85+ player pack at the store? Is it a space card we can use in the lineup?

I’m holding back training any player because i feel i will regret it soon
Last edited:


Rookie 3
Via EA Twitter:

The team is working on the following issues and should have fixes soon:
- GOTY token missing from GOTW set
- Legends Finale token missing from Legends Select set
- Removing the lock condition on Earth map (1 of 2)

- Removing cooldown Showdown Elite Exchange set
- Updating KD planet event to 50 stamina
- Updating planet event descriptions to say 150 instead of 300 (2 of 2)


Rookie 3
Via Brian Twitter:

Sources of Showdown platinum tokens:
1: 1 in the Superstar > Legend Division up pack
2: 1 in end of season reward packs for top 2500 and up
3. Showdown Rep pack in store
4. Platinum exchange set

The showdown elite exchange set has been updated to allow 80-99 ovr players and will have the cooldown removed in an upcoming deploy


Pro 1
Well, not even the “calculators” seem to be able to calculate this one, so I’ll just relax and try to enjoy playing with aliens (which look like great fun btw, along with a great looking space court).

I think I won’t even open my saved BPs


Rookie 1
It's ridiculous to play with a player that is shorter than the height of the ball. I hate this gimmick tiny player thing.

Wondering if I wait if the end of season packs I didn't bother to open will contain the foam fingers....work so hard and they add another caveat....I would have preferred needing 500-1000 tokens to get the 107 level instead which doesn't improve on boosts...a definite let down for the season long grind in SD.


Rookie 1
How the f*ck i can grow my player to their normal size, CP3 with 1'0", PG13 1'9", etc.
I have destroyed by those f*cking alien from Area 51


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
How the f*ck i can grow my player to their normal size, CP3 with 1'0", PG13 1'9", etc.
I have destroyed by those f*cking alien from Area 51
They reach fill size when you get new cards and you get those by training the cards you have


All-Star 3
is it just me who hates this promo format... the endless training is such a pain...
its like punishing ... open pack convert token ... keep leveling up.. repeat... uff


Pro 1
I like the leveling up, the tiny and the new giant players.

But i’m completely lost, can’t even begin to figure out a strategy and don’t have a clue on what players i should start training. I’m also skipping this campaign


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