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Spaceball Promo


All-Star 3
Do I need to make my LU to 96?
Or go straight to Mission Patch?

I might thinking it is an easy way to make 96 LU for 150 Light years (CP -2nd Master) than to go for 750 Lightyears Route (KD-1st Master).
U cant play the event?.. did u get the cp3 rover?


All-Star 1
Is there any point of using warmup points on finishing the third master? just got the second mission patch. need to train cp3 5 more levels..
the only drawback is cp3 and pg13 are pretty low in value right now..
Well you can’t sell him without the light years...did you finish that too or are you saying spend stamina today and tomorrow on that and use warmup for training tokens? Only other thing to spend stamina on is Elevate so why not give your lineup some flexibility by having CP3 as an option? Or just take +1M coins while you can.


All-Star 3
Well you can’t sell him without the light years...did you finish that too or are you saying spend stamina today and tomorrow on that and use warmup for training tokens? Only other thing to spend stamina on is Elevate so why not give your lineup some flexibility by having CP3 as an option? Or just take +1M coins while you can.
Ya. I'm planning to keep cp3 for flexibility.. already maxed out pg13..
Finally pulled the plug.. used my warmup points.. getting 600 light years is going to be a challenge.. may need one stamina refil.. let's c...


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Do I need to make my LU to 96?
Or go straight to Mission Patch?

I might thinking it is an easy way to make 96 LU for 150 Light years (CP -2nd Master) than to go for 750 Lightyears Route (KD-1st Master).
If the event is still unlocked then you're fine just play the planet KD event


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